Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How to Deal With Autistic Toddlers?

Raising a child is tough enough, but when your toddler is autistic, you will be experiencing a greater degree of difficulty and frustration. Autistic toddlers can have trouble communicating, recognizing appropriate social behaviors and may perform repetitive activities that you find annoying. It's easy to lose your temper, but this often makes the situation worse. Working on reducing your own temper flare-ups can help in a better relationship with your child.

Highlights for the four most challenging autism behaviors and advices on how to best handle them:

  • Step 1
Develop a predictable routine for your child. Autistic children may be more likely to have a meltdown when things are different, and meltdowns can cause you to lose your temper. When your child knows what to expect, he's comfortable and you can be, too.
  • Step 2
Avoid activities that trigger anger. Identify the things your child does that make you the angriest. If he's constantly spilling his drink, try different types of cups with tops. If you get frustrated when he doesn't follow your directions while making a craft, try crafts that are more open-ended, the type that don't have a "right" way of doing them.
  • Step 3
Take deep breaths when you feel anger coming on. It may seem cliché, but taking a short break from a situation where you might lose your temper can help calm you down, according to Operation Autism.
  • Step 4
Reduce other areas of stress in your life. When life piles it on, you might take out your frustrations on your child. Take time for yourself to do things you enjoy doing, like reading a book or exercising. If there's a part of your day that tends to be particularly stressful, find a way to make changes. For example, if your child has frequent meltdowns during the time when you're trying to cook dinner, you may get less angry if you prepare dinner during his nap time or in a slow cooker in the morning.
2-Sleep Disruption:
Sleep can be tough for kids with autism, as they tend to have highly sensitive nervous systems. Even the slightest variation in their day can affect their sleep for the night.
  • Be extremely careful not to give your kid anything that has any caffeine
  • Avoid chocolate after 3 PM.
  • Make sure he gets a lot of exercise during the day
  • Use room-darkening shades, a white noise machine, weighted blankets (Basically anything you can do to make sleep more appealing)
  • Teach their bodies that it's nighttime and we're not going to start the day just because you woke up in the middle of the night...A lot of parents feel that when their child wakes up in the middle of the night they have to get him something to eat, turn on the TV, and immediately cater to the fact that he stirred or woke up as opposed to bringing him or her back to bed. Show them a picture of a clock and a picture of Mom and Dad and say: "You can come into our room when your clock matches this clock."
3- Food Sensitivity:
Kids with autism tremendously picky and selective and limited in what they will eat. "It's a sensory thing; you have to have lots of trial and error, certain textures, and certain foods."

  • Don't make them eat anything they didn't want to eat. Everybody eats more if they feel relaxed
  • Try slow, gentle and positive approach because you want them to take their fear and anxiety around food and transform it into a sense of empowerment and a sense of control.
4- Aggressive Behavior:
Aggressive and self-injurious behaviors are fairly common in children with autism, when your son acts aggressively; it's usually due to sensory overload or frustration with his inability to communicate his needs effectively. Most times, when people better understand the basis for the aggressive or self-injurious behavior and then accommodate or support the person with autism, things can improve dramatically…
  • Keep scrupulous notes about the toddler and his behaviors and all the factors in his day; what he eats, how much he sleeps, even whether his father is on a business trip. You can actually identify seasonal behavioral arcs. So when something is wrong, you can go back and figure it out.
Good Luck!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Causes of Red Tired Eyes.

Tired eyes occur as a consequence of the effort. In general, there is a serious phenomenon. Tired eyes may indicate an eye disease in children or an age problem to person who are over 50 years old. In rare cases, eye fatigue is due to the presence of a disease or a medical treatment. However there are many contributing factors that can be the cause of red tired eyes. Genetics can play a part but this is not the main cause of this problem.


The symptoms include:

Burning sensation, heaviness in the eyes, sore eyes, watery eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision, an uncomfortable sensation of the eyelids or a pressure in the eye. Sometimes, eye fatigue can be accompanied by headaches, dizziness and migraines.

What are the causes?

  • The air conditioning
  • Heating system
  • Caffeine, tobacco or cigarette smoke
  • Industrial dust or other dust
  • Reading for extended periods
  • Spending several hours a day in front of the TV or computer
  • Under-performing liver or kidneys
  • Allergies, hay fever, sinus problems and nasal congestion
  • Inadequate sleep
  •  Excessive crying
  • Inadequate oxygen supply to the cornea
  • Pollution
  • Exposure to bright light or glare
  • Straining to see in very dim light
  • Fluid retention, salt (sodium) intake and lymphatic drainage
  • Increased pigmentation of the periorbital area (Indian, Asian, African and Mediterranean people)
  • Aging: It is the main cause of eye fatigue after 50 years; the body releases fewer tears, determining eye dryness.

Home remedies for tired eyes:

  • Apply compresses of warm water on the eyelids, if the eyes are dry. It's not necessary to use sterile water.
  • Use eye drops that will temporarily relax sensitive and irritated eyes.
  • Create a proper humidity in the room at night, in order to avoid waking up with red eyes.
  •  Plan a break from your computer. Take a break of 10 minutes at every hour.
  • Improve your working environment. Reduce the brightness of the computer screen or install a protection screen, reduce the intensity of colors.
  • Consult your doctor when you have an eye problem. People often regret that they haven't asked for the advice of a doctor earlier, because the eye exam is not painful and the remedies are efficient.

 Have a beautiful day!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Need For Sleep!

Skipping 1 night's sleep makes a person cranky and clumsy. After missing 2 nights of sleep, a person will have problems thinking and doing things; his or her brain and body can't do their normal tasks nearly as well. After 5 nights without sleep, a person will hallucinate (this means seeing things that aren't actually there). Eventually, it becomes impossible for the brain to give its directions to the rest of the body without sleep!
Sleep is as vital for survival as food, it gives your body a rest and allows it to prepare for the next day…But chronic lack of sleep can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, depression, irregular hormone production, a weakened immune system and memory lapses…

5 Signs You Need More Sleep:

  1. Cravings & Hunger: If you find yourself hungry all day (and not because you skipped breakfast or have recently amped up your gym routine) it might be because you've been skimping on sleep.
    Research presented at the 2010 linked insomnia and lack of  sleep with higher levels of the hormone Ghrelin, the same one that triggers hunger. This uptick in the hunger hormone seems to lead to not only increased snacking, but also a craving for high-carb, high-calorie foods, which may help explain why people who don't get enough sleep are at a greater risk of obesity.
  2. You Are Emotional: Ever find yourself tearing up over an embarrassing TV commercial? While women might be quick to blame PMS, it could be a lack of sleep sending your emotions into overdrive. A 2007 study found that sleep-deprived brains were 60% more reactive to negative and disturbing images.
  3. You're Clumsier Than Usual: First you knock the alarm clock off the dresser, then you spill the milk as you're pouring your cereal, then you stub your toe on the way out the door...etc.
    Researchers don't know exactly why, but sleepy people seem to "have slower and less skills," Reflexes are dulled, balance and depth perception can be a little wonky and since you may also have trouble focusing, reaction time can be slowed, meaning you can't quite catch the egg carton before it hits the floor.
  4. You feel sick and you never get sick: Your immune system repairs and strengthens while you sleep. So in addition to eating flu-fighting foods, try to sleep at least seven hours a night to stay healthy all season.
  5. You can't remember where you put the car keys:  Your brain needs sleep to refresh and regenerate. Without it, your short-term memory may be impaired... And it’s not just your short-term memory: sleep deprivation has been shown to have negative consequences of student’s test scores and grades.

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

The average amount of sleep needed changes over our lifetime, especially during childhood and adolescence. Although there are averages, there will be individuals who fall both above and below these needs:
  • Infants (3-11 months) need 14-15 hours
  • Toddlers (12-35 months) need 12-14 hours
  • Preschoolers (3-6 years) need 11-13 hours
  • School age (6-10 years) need 10-11 hours
  • Adolescents (11-18 years) need 9.25 hours
  • Adults need an average of 8 hours
  • Elderly adults may need less than 8 hours
Have a Peaceful Night! :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Facts About Dukan Diet!

The Dukan Diet, also known as the princess diet. When Kate Middleton wanted to look fit and fabulous in her wedding gown, she chose the Dukan diet for weight loss success.The Dukan also reported to be followed by actress Jennifer Lopez and supermodel Gisele Bundchen. This diet claims dramatic results without requiring dieters to count calories or go hungry. It is a protein-based diet designed by French doctor Pierre Dukan.

The diet is based on a list of over 100 allowed foods, as well as four specific ground pillars also known as phases: attack, cruise, consolidation, and stabilization.

The Dukan method:
  • The attack phase is designed to enable dieters to rapidly lose 2 to 3 kilograms (4.4 to 6.6 lb) in 2–7 days by kick-starting their metabolism. Dieters are allowed to eat as much as they want of 72 protein-rich foods.
  • The cruise phase is designed to allow dieters to more gradually achieve the weight they aim for by eating protein-rich foods with the addition of 28 specific vegetables. The length of this phase is usually calculated as 1 kilogram (2.2 lb) of weight loss per week, but this is based on specific personal conditions. Tolerated foods are also allowed as per the programme, but any weight gain will ban some of these.
  • The consolidation phase is designed to help in preventing any future massive weight gain. During this phase, fruit, bread, cheese and starchy foods are reintroduced into a normal diet, leaving two celebratory meals a week as directed by the plan.
  • Finally, in the stabilization phase, dieters can essentially eat whatever they want without gaining weight by following a few rules:
  1. protein day once a week
  2. eating oat bran every day and making a commitment to "take the stairs". According to Dukan, dieters shall follow this last phase for the rest of their life to avoid regaining weight.

 The official 100 Eat As Much As You Want Foods list:

  • MEAT AND OFFAL: Beefsteak, breasola/air-dried/wind dried beef, calf's liver, Fat reduced bacon, fillet of beef, game, kidney, pre-cooked ham slices (without any fat or rind), rabbit, roast beef, rumpsteak, sirloin steak, tongue, veal chop, veal escalope
  • POULTRY: Chicken, chicken liver, guinea fowl, ostrich, pigeon, poussin, pre cooked chicken and turkey slices, quail, turkey
  • FISH: Bass, cod, seafood sticks, dab/lemon sole, dover sole, grey mullet, haddock/smoked haddok, hake, halibut/smoked halibut, herring, mackerel, monkfish, plaice, pollock/coley, red mullet, salmon/smoked salmon, sardines, sea bream, skate, swordfish, trout (rainbow and salmon), tuna, turbot, whiting
  • SEAFOOD: Calamari/squid, clams, cockles, crab, crayfish/crawfish, dublin bay prawns, lobster, mussels, prawns/shrimps, oysters, scallops, whelks.
  • EGGS: Hen's eggs, quail's eggs
  • DAIRY PRODUCTS: Cottage cheese (low fat), fat free fromage frais, fat free Greek yogurt, fat free yoghurt, Quark (low fat), skimmed milk
  • VEGETABLE "PROTEINS": Konjac, oat bran, tofu
  • VEGETABLES: Artichoke (globe), asparagus, aubergine, beetroot, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery/celeriac, chicory, courgette, cucumber, fennel, French beans, kohlrabi, lamb's lettuce, leek, lettuce, mushrooms, onion, palm hearts, peppers, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, soya bean sprouts, spinach, tomato

Oat Bran:

Oat bran plays a very important role in the plan.Oat bran is nothing but the fibrous husk that surrounds the oat grain and is one of the staple foods of the Dukan Diet because of its many properties including making us feel fuller for longer and cholesterol reduction. You allowed to eat 
1 and ½ tablespoons during the Attack Phase, 2 tablespoons during the Cruise and Consolidation Phases and 3 tablespoons per day during the Stabilisation Phase.
   Special Benefits of Oat Bran:
  1. Oat Bran is Delicious! Ideal for breakfast as hot cereal or mixed with yogurt or cottage cheese. Oat bran can also be used to make savory pancakes, pizza crust, muffins, cookies and much more! As the only source of carbohydrates during the Attack phase and Pure Protein days, oat bran brings an extra element of variety to the diet.
  2. Oat Bran Helps Lower Cholesterol: Oat bran contains soluble fiber, which reduces the low-density lipoprotein (LDL), otherwise known as the "bad" cholesterol. The soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream. When compared to oatmeal, on average oat bran has 50% more fiber and soluble fiber, making it much more efficient.
  3. Oat Bran Creates a Feeling of Fullness: Once consumed, oat bran enters the digestive tract where its soluble fiber absorbs water and forms a gel-like substance, creating a feeling of fullness. Oat bran absorbs on average 25 times its volume in liquid. A tablespoon of oat bran, about half an ounce, forms a 13 ounce ball in the stomach. The feeling of fullness and being less hungry leads to much less frustration while dieting.
  4. Oat Bran Slows Down Sugar and Fat Absorption: Once ingested, the bolus (the gel-like substance created by the oat bran and water) passes through the gastric acid, bile, and finally the pancreatic juices. This turns the bolus into pulp and reduces it to a mix of elementary chains, fatty acids, amino acids and glucose.This process both slows down the sugar assimilation and removes calories from the body by reducing the absorption of dietary fat, while keeping your blood sugar levels low and stable
Oat Bran
What is the difference between oat bran and oatmeal?
Oat bran contains about 50% more fiber and soluble fiber than oatmeal, making it more effective at lowering cholesterol and helping digestion. It also has more protein, calcium, iron, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin, magnesium, and zinc.
The main structural difference is that oatmeal (typically rolled oats) is whole grain, while oat bran is just the bran of the oat.
Finally, because oat bran is creamier (due to the finer texture of the product), it satiates hunger more than oatmeal.
     For more information

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Creative Ways To Exercise At Home without Equipments!

Do we really need an expensive membership in the gym to stay in shape? How many people prefer to lose weight at home because lack of time; or because of low self esteem?
Since exercise is so important, you need to find effective exercises that don’t require any equipment at all, you will be able to workout anytime during the day...even before going to your work!
Here are 10 great exercises:
  1. Step Exercises: Use the steps in your home, you can do repetitions which will tone your leg muscles. (Just remember to be careful!)
  2. Dancing : Dancing is a wonderful exercise, which is great for your heart. Not only that, but it can lift your spirits as well, and give your overall feeling a boost.
  3. Squats: These are wonderful exercises for your legs and butt. You can even just try these by sitting and standing up again from a regular chair, if you’re finding them to be too difficult. As long as you’re able to do a few repetitions, you will be providing some benefit to your body. Try to take a 30-day squat challenge, trust me it's fun and easier than you think!
  4. Pushups: These are probably not the most favorite exercise of many people, but while they can be hard to do, you can find easier ways to do them. You don’t need to pretend you’re “Rocky”, and do them with one hand; just do what works for you. Do them on your knees, instead of keeping your legs straight. Or, do them standing up against a wall. You will be building up arm strength and working out muscles in your chest area.
  5. Superman Back Extension: Lay on your stomach and reach your arms forward (like you're flying). Gently raise your legs and upper body off the floor while keeping your head straight. Pause for three seconds and repeat.
  6. Bird Dog: Begin on all fours (downward dog), ensuring your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips. Slowly extend your right leg behind you and reach your right arm forward into a straight line. Hold your balance without arching your back. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
  7. Modified Chair Dips: Tone those triceps, Firmly grip a chair, table or any firm object that will support your weight. Fingers should be facing your back and your knees should be bent with feet shoulder width apart and flat on the ground. Lower yourself until your arms are bent at 90-degree angle and then push yourself back till arms are straight again. Repeat for one minute. Tip: To make this more difficult you can straighten your legs and even raise one leg at a time while you continue to dip.
  8. Overhead Lunges Wlak: This is a classic exercise with a little twist. Holding something overhead really stretches out your fascia and gives you an extra hip flexor stretch. Doesn’t matter what it is. Start with your feet together and step out into the lunge. Ensure that you step far enough so that your knee does not go in front of your toe, and to make sure you get good hip flexor stretches. You can hold a book or something light overhead.

  9. Step Ups: These are really good for your legs and your bum. Find a stable chair and you can get started. If the exercise is too easy find something heavy to hold to your chest or put a back pack on your back. Start doing these slowly and controlled on the way down.
  10. Dead Bugs: A great abdominal and core stability workout. Lay on the floor with your arms and legs up as shown in the picture. From here you need to drop your arm and leg on the same side. Make sure your leg doesn’t touch the floor. Bring them slowly back up and repeat.
   And to make these exercises even more fun, you can blast music while you’re doing them. Some you can even do while watching TV. Now you have no more excuses!
Good Luck & Have a Beautiful Weekend!


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cheer Yourself Up!

When you try your best to stay positive and keep yourself from getting too down or you feel completely alone in life and it just seems like there's no hope of ever getting better.  When you feel you just want to crawl into a hole somewhere and die. Don’t give up!!

We all need to cheer up; but sometimes we have no idea where to start from or you can't find a reason to go on anymore.
Here is a list of ideas to get you out of that “Dark Zone”.

  • Dress Up: Create outfits of ridiculous clothes and accessories to do fun tasks. Walk the dog in your bondage pants and Pantera shirt, vacuum the house in a tutu and high heels, buy milk at the store in nothing but a trench coat. (invent your own definition of “ridiculous”).
  • Make Magic Everyday: Learn a magic trick – it could be something a simple as a card trick or a slight-of-hand. Practise until you’re really good, and delight your friends next time you see them. Don’t give away your secret.
  • Laugh: Watch a DVD of one of your favorite stand-up comedians. If you don’t have a favorite stand-up comedian, try to watch The Simpsons , Homer and Bart always make me laugh!! ;)
  • Bathtime: Run yourself a bath. Gather together all your exquisite bathroom pampering treatments – all the luscious soaps and decadent shower gels you haven’t opened because they’re “special” and you don’t want to use them up. Open them all. Use them all. Take the phone off the hook, put up a do-not-disturb sign, pour yourself a glass of wine, put on some relaxing music, and read a book, or stare just at the ceiling.
  • Bubbles! Blow bubbles. You can buy little jars of bubble mixture, or make a simple bubble mixture at home using dish washing liquid, water, and sugar or corn syrup. TIP: Storing your solution for a day can actually lead to better bubbles.
  • Hydration: You should drink water more often – it’s good for you and makes you feel happy. But it should also be fun. Buy yourself a water bottle – not one of those one-use plastic ones, but something grymm, like a stainless steel masterpiece or a skull-shaped bottle. Or find yourself a beautiful vintage glass bottle and use that. I bet you’ll feel like a pirate!
  • Presents! Buy or make an amazing gift – like a mix CD of your favorite songs or a beautiful box of chocolates – and wrap it in a big box with a pretty ribbon. Give it a tag saying “to you”, and place it in the middle of the sidewalk outside your window. Watch how long it takes before someone picks it up.
  • Wear a Mask: If you’re feeling lonely and self-conscious, why not hide your face with a mask? If you want to hide away, hide behind a wall of latex or leather or sequins or lace.
  • ExerciseYou know exercise is good for you, and it makes you feel good. So exercise! Run around the block, do star jumps in the living room. Find the local ice-skating rink or rock climbing wall, hike through the park, practise yoga, salsa dancing or burlesque (you can find lots of free lessons on youtube).
  • Music: Dig out your favorites – the music that makes you feel the world is full of wonder. Play loud, sing along, dance on the bed, throw your arms around, headbang, smash something, slow dance with your cat.Just have fun!
ღ Have a nice Weekend! ツ

Friday, April 26, 2013

Anger Management!

No, I'm not talking about Charlie Sheen's new show!
In this post, you will find simple tips to control your emotions and overcome your anger if you're experiencing overwhelming rage!
  • Take a break: Stop what you're doing, get away from whatever is irritating you, and just take a breather. Getting away from whatever's upsetting you will make it easier to calm down. Try it out in these situations:
  1. Road rage: pull over on a side road and turn off the car.
  2. At work: go to to a room or step outside for a moment. If you drive to work, consider sitting in your car so that you're in a space you own.
  3. At home: go to a single-occupancy space (such as the bathroom) or for a walk.
  4. Unfamiliar place: Close your eyes and try to imagine yourself somewhere peaceful.
  • Breathe deeply: If your heart hammers with rage, slow it down by controlling your breathing. Count to three as you inhale, hold the breath in your lungs for three more seconds, and count to three again as you exhale. Focus only on the numbers as you do this, and refuse to think about whatever is angering you. Repeat as many times as necessary.
  • Go to your "happy place": If you're still having a difficult time calming down, imagine yourself in a scene you find incredibly relaxing. It could be your childhood backyard, a quiet forest, a solitary island - whatever locale makes you feel at home and peaceful. Focus on imagining every detail of this place: the light, the noises, the temperature, the weather, the smells. Keep dwelling on your happy place until you feel completely immersed in it, and hang out there for a few minutes or until you feel calm.
  • Ask for the support of someone you trust: If you're still upset, sharing your concerns with a close friend or confidant might help.
  • Set a time limit:  Give yourself a set amount of time to deal with what's upsetting you, and stick to it - when time is up, your rant is over. This will help you move on instead of dwelling on the situation endlessly.
  • Engage in physical activity: The endorphins that come from exercise can help you calm down, and moving your body provides a physical outlet for your rage. Try these activities you can practice alone:
  1. Running.
  2. Weight training.
  3. Cycling.
  4. Yoga
  5. Basketball.
  6. Martial arts.
  7. Swimming.
  • Keep a journal of what upsets you and how you plan to fix it: Every time you're overwhelmingly angry, write down exactly what happened. (It's important to be honest, even if it casts you in an unfavorable light - remember, a journal is meant to be private.) Then plan out what you're going to do to fix the problem and avoid running into it next time. If you do find yourself in the same upsetting situation, refer back to your journal notes to see what else you can do.
  • Remember! we are all human and tend to get angry at someone or something. You can tell someone how you feel and see if they can help you.
  • For every negative thought you have, challenge it with three positive thoughts.
  • If you're ever angry with your family, think about what they mean to you.
  • Sing one of your favorite songs (with a happy beat).
  • Try thinking of stuff that you are thankful for.
  • Watch what you say when you're angry. You don't always feel the same as when you have calmed down and thought of the situation
Have a Peaceful Weekend!

My Source

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Unhealthy Facts About Everyday Foods!

Salad, bran muffins, fat-free foods...They're good for you, right? Not always. Nutrition experts reveal surprisingly unhealthy foods. Eating bad foods without even knowing it's unhealthy for you can make you feel like crap, lead to weight gain and cause all sorts of health problems. Read more facts about everyday foods

  • Cereal bars: Cereal bars have the appeal of being a healthy snack on the go. We tend to think of these bars as nutritious and packed with fiber, but in reality many of them are made with high-fructose corn syrup and have quite a high amount of carbs and fat packed in a single bar!
  • Turkey burgers: If you're going with a turkey burger for dinner, make sure that the decision is based purely on taste and nothing else. Turkey burgers actually pack in much more fat than beef or chicken burgers. It's easier to make burgers with lean ground beef or a chicken breast.
  • Healthy Margarine: Margarine actually has around the same calories as butter does, so what's the difference? Unlike butter, margarine is loaded with trans fat, making it one of the top unhealthy foods you can purchase straight off the shelf. 
  • Non-dairy whipped topping: Saturated fat and high fructose corn syrup, these are two ingredients that are used plentifully in non-dairy whipped toppings. Need some whipped cream? Just whip up a small portion of pure whipping cream to go with the dessert you're serving.
  • Sushi rolls: For those who watching their weight, sushi is often a go-to meal when out for a night on the town, but few people realize that sushi rolls pack a sizable amount of rice and very little protein. When having sushi, opt for sashimi instead to get your protein fixing.   
  • Dried fruit: Have you ever wondered about the health benefits in dried vs. fresh fruit? Dried fruit stacks up calories quickly and easily, and though they contain fiber, you can gain all the benefits of dried fruit and more by eating fresh fruit.
  • Flavored low-fat yogurt: Low-fat yogurt is usually high in carbohydrates. Why not buy some greek yogurt and slice up fresh fruit? A much healthier alternative to processed jelly-like fruit preserves sitting on the bottom of those low-fat yogurt cups.
  • Ramen and Cup Noodles: Don't be fooled by their speedy prep instructions and convenience. Cup noodles/ramen tend to be high in sodium, fat, carbohydrates, and cholesterol!
  • Low-fat salad dressing: Another example of how something marketed as low fat can actually be bad for you. Low-fat salad dressings are everywhere, but what they don't have in fat they make up for in carbs and other unnecessary processed ingredients. Do yourself a favor and make an easy vinaigrette from scratch.
  • Canned vegetables: Not all canned veggies are bad for you, but there are definitely certain brands that pack on way too much unnecessary sodium or sugar. Next time you shop canned vegetables, opt for the ones labeled 'no salt added' and season the food yourself!  
  • Trail Mix: Pre-packaged and processed trail mixes are actually high in fat (from peanuts, chocolate, etc.) and high in carbohydrates (from the candied fruit, dried fruit, and chocolate), making trail mix one of the most unhealthy snacks out there. When it's snacking time, go for some fresh fruit or make your own trail mix from scratch

  • Healthy sport drinks: The benefits of Vitamin Water is a touchy subject for diehard Vitamin Water drinkers, but unfortunately a look at the label tells us that it's basically just sugar water with a small dose of vitamins. For a sweet drink, why not pick up some fresh squeezed orange juice or opt for a lightly sweetened tea?                
Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Home Remedies for Hair Care!

With this humidity, our hair is the first to drop. And our comb keeps ending up in clusters of hair and the entire process becomes heartbreaking. Home remedies are a natural and inexpensive way to treat and cure common disorders. Let's try some simple remedies for attaining beautiful and lustrous hair.

Beautiful and healthy hair boosts up our beauty and confidence. But chaotic and deskbound lifestyles give us an excuse for ignoring hair, which bring about common problems such as dry hair, dandruff, graying, hair loss and split ends.

Here are some simple home remedies with natural ingredients that will bring back life to damaged hair.
  • Regular massage with mustard, coconut or almond oil for 15 minutes twice a week will strengthen and rejuvenate your hair. Following the massage, go for a “steam-towel-wrap” for 10-15 minutes.
  • Soak multani mitti (Multani Mitti is Fuller's earth. You can find it is small local stores or one of those weekly markets. It look likes clay and is kind of creamish in color except that its hard, sometimes even in a brick form) in water overnight. Mix into it 2 tablespoons of curd and a few drops of lemon. Apply this paste over scalp and hair and leave for an hour. Wash off with water. It is a very effective home remedy for softening hair and imparting a lustrous shine.
  • Take 3 tablespoons of ghee (clarified butter) and heat it. Mix into it a teaspoon of finely powdered almond. Massaging the scalp with the same will strengthen hair roots and give them a natural luster.
  • Mix equal amounts of almond oil and castor and warm it. Massaging the same into scalp once a week, will beneficial for hair loss.
  • Prepare a natural conditioner by mixing a cup of curd and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply it on scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. This treatment is also effective in curing dandruff.
  • Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in 2 tablespoon of mustard oil and apply over the scalp. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. Follow this treatment twice a week for curing dandruff.
  • Take 3 tablespoon of coconut oil and warm it lightly. To it, add a teaspoon of camphor and massage the scalp. This is another effective remedy for treating dandruff.
  • Eating 3-4 teaspoons of sesame seeds every morning gives nourishment to the hair.
  • Add 6-8 drops of lemon juice to an egg. Beat well and apply on your hair followed by washing with a herbal shampoo. 
  • Use a very mild shampoo and condition your hair at least twice a week. Make sure to rinse out the conditioner thoroughly.
  • Massaging with aroma oils once a week reduces hairfall and makes them soft and silky. Rosemary oil and titri oil can also be used.
  • Add few leaves Hibiscus (China rose) to a glass of water. Heat it. The juice of a lime should be squeezed in the sieved mixture and it should be applied to the hair before shampooing.                           
  • Use lavender or lemon shampoo if your hair are oily and if dry, use titri oil or rosemary shampoo too.
  • Rinse hair with lemon juice or vinegar
  • Soak a towel in hot water and squeeze lightly. Cover your hair with this for 10 minutes and do try this for almost a week.
  • Dry peels of lemon and oranges should be used. This will maintain soft and silky hair and also removes dandruff from the scalp.
  • Drink 10-12 glasses of water daily and have a high protein diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and dairy products.
  • Mustard oil boiled with henna leaves is useful for the healthy growth of hair.

These home remedies are effective in keeping hair problems at bay, but there are other important factors one should take care of. Always eat a balanced diet that includes green leafy vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, sprouts and whole grains. Maintain hygiene and brush your hair daily with a comb with widely spaced teeth. Don’t comb when hair are wet. Avoid use of dryers, synthetic hair colors and dyes. Do exercise and meditation to remain healthy and stress-free.

Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Clean Your Skin Properly!

Leaving on makeup longer than necessary can damage your skin, especially if it is thick makeup or there is a lot on. Removing your makeup as soon as you back home is a key to keep a beautiful-clear skin, especially overnight. However, it can be tricky to make sure all of it is gone. But first you need to know your skin type:

Different skin types need different care. It's very important to know what type of care you need to get the best methods for clearing your skin.
  • Dry Skin: Usually has a dull appearance, feels dry and itchy and is sometimes sensitive. Dry skin must be hydrated regularly from the inside (with fresh water) and outside with (lotions), as well as moisturized with rich hydrating creams.
  • Oily Skin: Usually looks slippery and shiny and has a greasy texture. This type of skin is prone to acne. Oily skin benefits from periodic herbal steam treatments and clay masks.
  • Normal Skin: This type is a gift. Not too oily and not too dry. Normal skin looks consistently plump, moist, and vibrant. What a great blessing but it still requires no less attention than other skin types. It benefits from regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing.
  • Most people have at least two different types of facial skin at any given time. The combination of skin is frequently characterized by an oily “T-zone” area, which covers the forehead, nose and chin. While the skin around the cheeks, eyes and mouth is normal or dry. People with combination skin should assess their skin regularly and use different products on different areas of the face.

Main steps of removing makeup:

  • Do not start by washing your face, this dries out the skin and does not get off most of the makeup.
  • Do not over exfoliate the skin or use abrasive products. These can damage the skin and leave it looking dull and wrinkled.
  • Remove any eye makeup. Use a gentle makeup remover just for eye makeup. Regular makeup remover can irritate the eyes. Make sure you get most of any eyeliner and mascara you had on, as well as some eyeshadow.
    Note: If you don't have eye makeup remover, baby oil on a cotton ball works really well (just make sure to rinse the oil off afterward to prevent break-outs). Alternatively, you can skip the step to remove eye makeup, especially if you don't have mascara on, because the steam will dislodge most of the makeup.
  • You may also use the HydraMitt which is a microfiber mitt that removes makeup in seconds by using warm water only. It's also very gentle on your eyes and will not scratch your skin like your typical microfiber cloth.
  • Remove your lip color. Apply a small dab of petrolatum jelly to your lips, and gently rub it in with a tissue. Fold in the tissue, and blot the lips.
  • Pat your face dry with a towel and rub in a light moisturizer. The rigor of the applying of makeup and removal of makeup can dry out your skin in irritation. Soothe this with a light moisturizer.
  • For a more relaxing treatment, try adding orange or eucalyptus scents.
  • Vaseline/ Paraffin Oil is also a good makeup remover, Some Olive Oil on a soft tissue will work, too.
  • Always use a non-comedogenic moisturizer.They don't clog pores.(Noncomedogenic is a term applied to oils, lotions, and skin creams that do not block pores. Noncomedogenic products are also sometimes referred to as non-occlusive)

General Skin-care Tips:

  • Drink alot of water: Water cleanses your body, helping eliminate toxins. It also hydrates you and rids your skin of dirt and oils. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces (for example, if you weight 100 lbs, drink 50 ounces of water a day).
  • Don't get too much sun: Too much sunlight to the skin can cause freckles. So if you do go out in the sun, if needed, wear sunscreen! Remember to use NATURAL sunscreen, SPF 15 or higher.Try not to go in the sun for long periods between 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. That time of day is when the sun's rays are their strongest. Sunlight on your skin is a great source of vitamin D but it it can also lead to wrinkles and skin cancer.
  • Change your diet. Eat lots of fruits, nuts, seeds, beans etc. Eating healthy along with taking in the right vitamins can do wonders for your skin. Try going vegan for a week to see what it does for you.
  • Avoid eating fried foods, white flour and white sugar products, soft drinks, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, including contraceptive drugs, and any other stimulating over-the-counter medicines.
  • Do not use creams containing Vitamin A or Vitamin D as these vitamins are not absorbed by the skin and thus such lotions are unnecessary.
  • Do not pick your acne or touch your face and avoid anything that puts pressure on or rubs against the skin (such as headbands or hats) as this increase the irritation of acne. Picking your acne spreads infection and causes permanent scarring by forcing the oil and bacteria into the deeper skin layers, which causes cysts, the inflamed acne that causes scarring.
  • If you like to use a facial scrub, only do so once a week, scrubbing gently and lightly.
  • Exercise, around 15 minutes a day. Exercising properly can make your skin glow. Be sure to wash your face afterwards, sweat and dirt can clog your pores.
  • Do not clean your face with soap, which is harsh and irritates the skin follicles and the oil glands. “Twenty-five percent of acne can be managed successfully by washing the face four or five times a day...But this cleansing should not be done with soap...The sebaceous glands are irritated by soap and the irritation causes the glands to secrete still more sebum than normal." Soap has been documented frequently in medical literature to have irritating qualities.
  • Drinking three cups per day of organic red clover tea as a natural blood purifier can help your acne clear up. Besides purifying the blood.
  • Avoid using cosmetics as much as possible. If you do wear cosmetics, try to use as many natural cosmetics as possible or choose cosmetic products that state that they are either oil-free (water based) or non-comedogenic, which means that they have a low potential for producing acne. Also, always remember to wash off your make-up at night.
Have a Beautiful Week! ツ

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cancer Fighting Foods & Spices!

One of the easiest things for us to fight cancer is to change our diet. The National Cancer Institute estimates that roughly 1/3 of all cancer deaths may be diet related. What you eat can hurt you, but it can also help you. Remember that ´good nourishment´ is a crucial weapon in the fight against cancer and any illness. Good nutritions can be vital in increasing your personal odds of survival.
Also remember that natural compounds are likely to do you a lot better than synthetic pills!

Many of the common foods that found in grocery stores or organic markets contain cancer-fighting properties, from the antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals to the powerful phytochemicals that scientists are just beginning to explore. There isn't a single element in a particular food that does all the work: The best thing to do is eat a variety of foods.
Here are some foods that have the ability to help stave off cancer and some other that can even help inhibit cancer cell growth or reduce tumor size:

A- Foods

  • Flax contains lignans, which may have an antioxidant effect and block or suppress cancerous changes. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are thought to protect against colon cancer and heart disease. Try to use flax seed oil and cottage cheese as a breakfast or a light snack.  
  • Garlic has immune-enhancing allium compounds (dialyl sultides) that appear to increase the activity of immune cells that fight cancer and indirectly help break down cancer causing substances. These substances also help block carcinogens from entering cells and slow tumor development. Diallyl sulfide, a component of garlic oil, has also been shown to render carcinogens in the liver inactive. Studies have linked garlic as well as onions, leeks, and chives to lower risk of stomach and colon cancer.  According to  studies, people who consume raw or cooked garlic regularly face about half the risk of stomach cancer and two-thirds the risk of colorectal cancer as people who eat little or none. Sudies didn't show garlic supplements had the same effect. It is believed garlic may help prevent stomach cancer because it has anti-bacterial effects against a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, found in the stomach and known to promote cancer there. It is a truly wonderful food. Two or three raw cloves of garlic per day will ward off more than vampires!
  • Avocados are rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that attacks free radicals in the body by blocking intestinal absorption of certain fats. They also supply even more potassium than bananas and are a strong source of beta-carotene. Scientists also believe that avocados may also be useful in treating viral hepatitis (a cause of liver cancer), as well as other sources of liver damage.
  • Oily Fish: Vitamin A is an important vitamin in the fight against cancer. Oily fish is the best provider, with herring, mackerel and salmon top of the list. Fish oil will also give you long chain Omega-3 as well which has been linked to reduced levels of prostate, breast and colon cancer. You’ll also get a little vitamin D, a proven cancer-fighter too.
  • Carrots: Along with apricots, peppers and pumpkins, they provide cancer carotenoids like beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, when required by the body. 1 cup of carrot juice, 2 sweet potatoes, 16 dried apricots and 4 cups of red cherries will each provide 25mgs. Don’t eat them all at once - people have been known to turn a little orange!
A great juice to make yourself involves carrots and apples (for quercitin) and beetroot (for anthocyanins). A real cancer fighting drink!
Carrots help to reduce a wide range of cancers including lung, mouth, throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate and breast. Some research indicated beta carotene may actually cause cancer, but this has not proven that eating carrots, unless in very large quantities (2 to 3 kilos a day)can cause cancer.
  • Red and Yellow Peppers: The top source of vitamin C - even better than oranges. Vitamin C strengthens your immune cells and neutralizes toxins. Linus Pauling thought cancer patients should consume 2 to 10 gms per day. A large red pepper is 250 mgs. 200 gms raw broccoli 175 mgs. 150 gms papaya 90 mgs. An orange 65 mgs.
  • Chili peppers and jalapenos contain a chemical, capsaicin, which may neutralize certain cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines) and may help prevent cancers such as stomach cancer.
  • Oranges, lemons and Grapefruits: citrus fruits, contain monoterpenes, believed to help prevent cancer by sweeping carcinogens out of the body. Some studies show that grapefruit may inhibit the proliferation of breast-cancer cells in vitro. They contains vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid. They also contain Iimonene which stimulates cancer-killing immune cells (lymphocytes, e.g.) that may also break down cancer-causing substances.
  • Sunflower Seeds: High in zinc and vitamin E. Zinc helps vitamin C do its work and accelerates healing time. It is important to a healthy prostate. You need 15 to 25 mgs per day. Five tablespoons of sunflower seeds give you 10 mgs. Best are oysters, 3 are enough. Milk can block zinc absorption. Sunflower seeds will also provide a little selenium.

  • Pumpkin Seeds: can be mixed with the sunflower seeds in your morning mueseli. 5 tablespoons will each provide 20 mgs of vitamin E, the ultimate cancer buster, which inhibits cancer cell growth and protects immune cells from free radicals. Vitamin E boosts your immune systems fighting abilities. The target is 300-600 mgs and is difficult to achieve without supplements. Green vegetables, soya and almonds are also good sources.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage contain two antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin that may help decrease prostate and other cancers. Broccoli, especially sprouts, also have the phytochemical sulforaphane, a product of glucoraphanin - believed to aid in preventing some types of cancer, like colon and rectal cancer. Sulforaphane induces the production of certain enzymes that can deactivate free radicals and carcinogens. The enzymes have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors in laboratory animals. 
  • Figs apparently have a derivative of benzaldehyde. It has been reported that investigators at the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Tokyo say benzaldehyde is highly effective at shrinking tumors. In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture says figs, which contain vitamins A and C, and calcium, magnesium and potassium, may curtail appetite and improve weight-loss efforts. Fig juice is also a potent bacteria killer in test-tube studies.

  • Soy products like tofu contain several types of phytoestrogens, weak, nonsteroidal estrogens that could help prevent both breast and prostate cancer by blocking and suppressing cancerous changes. There are a number of isoflavones in soy products, but research has shown that genistein is the most potent inhibitor of the growth and spread of cancerous cells. It appears to lower breast-cancer risk by inhibiting the growth of epithelial cells and new blood vessels that tumors require to flourish and is being scrutinized as a potential anti-cancer drug. However, there are some precautions to consider when adding soy to your diet. Eating up to 4 or 5 ounces of tofu or other soy a day is probably ok, but research is being done to see if loading up on soy could cause hormone imbalances that stimulate cancer growth. As a precaution, women who have breast cancer or are at high risk should talk to their doctors before taking pure isoflavone powder and pills, extracted from soy.
  • Kale has indoles, nitrogen compounds which may help stop the conversion of certain lesions to cancerous cells in estrogen-sensitive tissues. In addition, isothiocyanates, phytochemicals found in kale, are thought to suppress tumor growth and block cancer-causing substances from reaching their targets.
  • Egg Yolk: Along with green leafy vegetables, avocado, beans, carrots, apricots and pumpkins, egg yolk will give you folic acid. If you have cancer, this will help your DNA to replicate properly and protect it during radiotherapy. 400 micrograms is a recommemended amount. Folate, biotin, niacin and vitamin B6 are all B vitamins that help in the cancer fight. Egg yolk, greens and whole grains are the best sources.

B- Spices

  • Rosemary may help increase the activity of detoxification enzymes. An extract of rosemary, termed carnosol, has inhibited the development of both breast and skin tumors in animals. We haven't found any studies done on humans. Rosemary can be used as a seasoning. It can also be consumed as a tea: Use 1 tsp. dried leaves per cup of hot water; steep for 15 minutes. 
  • Tapioca is derived from the cassava plant. It is one of the many plants that manufactures cyanide by producing a chemical called linamarine which releases hydrogen cyanide when it is broken down by the linamarase enzyme. Spanish researches have been studying the cassava and attempting to clone the genes from the plant which are responsible for producing the hydrogen cyanide and then transfer it to a retrovirus. 
  • Licorice root has a chemical, glycyrrhizin, that blocks a component of testosterone and therefore may help prevent the growth of prostate cancer. However, excessive amounts can lead to elevated blood pressure.

  • Tumeric (curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, is believed to have medicinal properties because it inhibits production of the inflammation-related enzyme cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2), levels of which are abnormally high in certain inflammatory diseases and cancers, especially bowel and colon cancer. In fact, a pharmaceutical company Phytopharm in the UK hopes to introduce a natural product, P54, that contains certain volatile oils, which greatly increase the potency of the turmeric spice. 

C- Drinks:

  • Red wine: even without alcohol, has polyphenols that may protect against various types of cancer. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants, compounds that help neutralize disease-causing free radicals. Also, researchers at the University of North Carolina's medical school in Chapel Hill found the compound resveratrol, which is found in grape skins. It appears that resveratrol inhibits cell proliferation and can help prevent cancer. However, the findings didn't extend to heavy imbibers, so it should be used in moderation. In addition, alcohol can be toxic to the liver and to the nervous system, and many wines have sulfites, which may be harmful to your health. Note: some research indicates that alcohol is considered a class "A" carcinogen which can actually cause cancer...You should probably switch to non-alcoholic wines.

  • Green Tea and Black tea contain certain antioxidants known as polyphenols (catechins) which appear to prevent cancer cells from dividing. Green tea is best, followed by our more common black tea (herbal teas do not show this benefit). According to a report in the July 2001 issue of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, these polyphenols that are abundant in green tea, red wine and olive oil, may protect against various types of cancer. Dry green tea leaves, which are about 40% polyphenols by weight, may also reduce the risk of cancer of the stomach, lung, colon, rectum, liver and pancreas, study findings have suggested.
    (Three cups per day help to neutralize free radicals. The Mayo clinic even claims from research that 3-5 cups a day can stop the growth of certain cancers.)