Thursday, September 13, 2012

Apple Cider Vinegar Detox

The cleansing properties of apple cider vinegar have been utilized for centuries. Eastern medicine teaches us that apple cider vinegar can help stimulate circulation and aid detoxification in the liver. Ancient cultures often used apple cider vinegar to purify the blood.
Apple cider vinegar is rich in natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Supplying these nutrients to the body is crucial during a time of detoxification, when all the systems in the body go into overdrive to purge out toxic material. The unique acids in apple cider vinegar can bind to toxins and help the body eliminate them more effectively. They are also equipped to fight bacteria, fungus and Candida.
Another way apple cider vinegar aids detoxification is by breaking up mucus throughout the body and cleansing the lymph nodes to allow for better lymph circulation. A healthy lymphatic system can remove toxins from the cells in the body while improving immune system response.
Taking apple cider vinegar before meals aids digestion and improves gastric health, helping the body remove toxic waste more efficiently.
While apple cider vinegar can play an important role in detoxification, it will be far more effective when combined with a naturally healthy lifestyle that includes these habits:
  • Eat a balanced diet that consists of unprocessed, natural foods that will provide the body with the nutrition it needs to purify itself.
  • Include some raw, uncooked foods in your diet since these supply important enzymes that will help you detox.
  • Choose organic foods to help reduce your exposure to toxins. Keep in mind processed foods of all kinds should be avoided, even if they are labeled organic.
  • Exercise regularly to improve the health of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, both of which work to cleanse and purify the body.
  • Reduce toxin exposure by using natural household cleaners and beauty products.
  • Drink only filtered water to avoid potential toxin exposure. Getting plenty of pure water will also aid natural detoxification processes.
Have a beautiful day! :)

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