Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some of Your Favorite Things Can Make you Depressed..

Why is it that?!!
With every new study that comes out, we have to learn about one more enjoyable thing that's actually bad for us? This time, things are looking pretty bleak. According to some leading British experts on mood disorders, some of our favorite things could actually be causing depression:

Hot Weather
let's start with hot weather. Apparently there's such a thing as a summer form of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), where depression is triggered by too much sun. As someone who goes into hibernation mode all winter long, just waiting for June weather, I definitely know I'm not one of the tens of thousand who suffer from summer SAD.

Lead researcher Dr Lisa Page offered a number of explanations, the most interesting of which explains, "People tend to drink more alcohol in summer  not only does it have a depressive effect, it also disinhibits us, so we are more likely to act impulsively. Hot weather also disturbs sleep and this could possibly tip someone over the edge."

It may be considered a comfort food, but according to the British Dietetic Association, doughnuts are anything but comforting, for both our weight and mental health. Sugary snacks like doughnuts give us a temporary high because it spikes dopamine levels, but once those levels begin to fall, sadness sets in. Researcher Helen Bond explains, "We tend to crave sugary and fatty foods for a quick mood fix, but the sugar crash that follows could make you feel worse."

There's a little good news here; you don't have to give up coffee altogether. The key is to cut back and refrain from drinking it after a certain time. Drinking coffee throughout the day makes it harder to get a good night's sleep when the sun finally goes down, and lack of sleep can lead to depression. But it's like an endless cycle "I’m always amazed by the number of people I see who feel depressed because of sleep problems, yet who drink endless cups of tea and coffee, even late into the evening

The other reason for this is simple and it has to do with the sugar and the caffeine that comes in coffee. When we drink a coffee we usually get a caffeine hit and a sugar rush. This picks us up for a few minutes or perhaps even an hour but then comes the inevitable low. Then we start to get feelings of sadness and stress and we cannot figure out why we are feeling so bad.
Test it out for yourself. See how you feel before a coffee, immediately after a coffee and then about two hours after a coffee. You might be surprised!!

People who started eating a vegetarian diet claim that they wonder how happy and “light” they felt all the time. So I decided that I need to do some research in to the matter and see whether eating meat causes stress or depression and it turns out that many ancient medical practices believe that it does. Every time I eat meat now I feel heavy and quite sick.

Many people in the East will tell you that feeling depressed after eating meat is due to the negative karma that is accrued due to killing an animal. Some more modern science, however, tells us that it might be due to the damage meat can cause your insulin levels as well as several other systems in the body. Meat has been linked to cancer, diabetes and other serious illnesses. One study even showed that vegetarians are happier than meat eaters!

Alcohol has been shown to change the chemistry of the brain and make you more likely to experience long term depression. With alcohol we are not talking about a depression that lasts a little while; it is one that lasts a long time and usually leads you to your next drink. You then need to drink more than you used to, to feel better and end up in a fast downward spiral. This is called tolerance and is a big part of why alcohol and any other drugs are so addictive.

The sad thing is that people who are already feeling a bit depressed use alcohol to treat the depression. This just makes them feel even more depressed and doesn’t really get you anywhere.

Fast food
I have always thought that the fast foods were bad. They are full of preservatives, salt, sugar, saturated fats and a host of other horrible chemicals. Think about all the antibiotics and hormones that KFC pump in to their meat before they lace it with salty bread crumbs and deep fry it. No wonder you feel heavy after you eat it. Try and avoid these foods at lunch time if you are feeling stress and anxious and depressed. This will also distract you from your work because you will feel full and sick.
The best thing you can do for your health is eat a natural diet that has as little man-made foods as possible. A diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, raw milk, eggs and other natural things will leave you feeling lighter, happier and full of long lasting energy. Avoid foods that are overly processed and full of refined sugar, salt and saturated fats.

Does anyone have any experiences with food making them feel terrible?!

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