Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Causes For Puffy Eyes, Make The Changes Now To Stop It!

  • What Are Puffy Eyes?
Puffy eyes are a condition where the eyes begin swelling due to different factors. The skin around the eyes is very thin and is full of blood vessels which make it very sensitive. Usually puffy eyes will go away after a little bit of time or some treatments done at home. However, puffy eyes are also symptoms of other eye conditions that may require examination by an eye care professional. In cases where puffy eyes are severe and persistent or are accompanied by pain, discomfort, blurry vision, or other conditions, an optometrist should be contacted about the problem.

  • Causes of Puffy Eyes
Puffy eyes can be caused by many factors. These include
  1. Fluid retention and stress.
  2. When we cry: If you have just had a nice big cry, your eyes may be puffy and uncomfortable. This is due to the amount of salt that is in your tears. Salt causes the body to retain water, keeping your skin overly hydrated and therefore puffy looking. Eventually, the salt is washed away naturally by your blood stream, lessening the puffy look. Also, due to the fact that are body reacts to emotions and causes more blood to flow through the eyes which leads to swelling, the production of too many emotional tears can strain the eyes.
  3. After sleeping. This can be caused by different factors such as too much sodium in a diet causing water retention, tossing and turning and not getting enough sleep, excessive drinking of alcohol, and others as well.
  4. Allergies. For some individuals, allergies and sickness are the cause of their puffy eyes. In this case, you will need to take medications to control these symptoms. Severe cases should be reported to your doctor.
  5. Did You Sleep? The eyes can also look puffy (not to mention the big bags) under the eyes if you do not get enough rest. If you haven’t slept well, your body is off and is retaining water.
  6. A Salty Diet? Those that eat excess amounts of salt will have water retention throughout their body. Reducing the amount that you consume will drastically help to improve a condition like this.
  7. Too Much Alcohol? Alcohol is another reason for puffy eyes. The ingredients here cause your body to retain water in many places, in fact.
  8. Hormone changes
  • Natural Treatments and Home Remedies for puffy eyes
For normal puffy eyes that are not caused by other eye conditions, there are many ways to get rid of puffy eyes.Or it's may be your eyes just not getting enough sleep. Nevertheless, there are medicines and natural remedies for puffy eyes. The following is a list of what to do for treating puffy eyes: 
  • Some Steps For Curing Puffy Eyes
1-Reduce swelling directly. Eye puffiness is a type of fluid build-up (edema) in the tissues around your eyes, called the orbits. Therefore, the steps taken to reduce puffiness are similar to those taken to reduce any kind of swelling. The following are "quick fixes" to temporarily encourage fluid to drain away from under your eyes:
  • Place cold cucumber slices on your eyes. It is the cold temperature that is helping rather than the product itself. The aroma, however, can be soothing and relaxing. Slice them into 1/8" discs and let them float in cool tap water for a few minutes. Shake them off well before applying to your eyes.
  • Use cold, refrigerated used tea bags. Like the cucumber slices, the coolness reduces circulation, but the tea actually has a slightly astringent (tissue-shrinking) effect as well.
  • For a less messy alternative, try putting 2 metal tablespoons in the fridge and use them daily by placing the backs against your eyes.
  • Strange as it sounds, hemorrhoid cream, which is meant to reduce swelling, may work well. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. This only works if you live in Canada, as hemorrhoid creams in the U.S. are no longer made with the active ingredient that reduces swelling.
2- Rinse your face with ice cold water and pat dry.

3- Get enough sleep. If you have puffy eyes all day, it could be that you're simply not getting enough sleep, or the quality of the sleep you are getting is poor. Puffiness under the eyes is a common symptom of sleep deprivation.

4- Elevate your head when you sleep. It's not unusual to have puffy eyes upon waking. A possible explanation for this may be that when you are laying down for several hours in a horizontal position and then stand up, the fluid that was resting under your eyes is suddenly being pulled down by gravity.This swelling, however, should subside shortly. To reduce it, you can try elevating your head while sleeping so that the fluid is not as drastically drawn down when you get up.

5- Cure puffy eyes from the inside out. Puffiness is a manifestation of excess fluid retention. By addressing your body's tendency to tuck fluid away, you may be able to indirectly reduce swelling around your eyes.
  • Reduce your salt intake. A high intake of sodium may increase your fluid retention, in which case reducing the salt in your diet may produce good results (not only for your eyes, but also for your health in general).
  • Snack on bananas and raisins, both of which alleviate fluid retention
  • Consume cabbage or cranberry juice. Both are diuretics, which will help you "evacuate" some excess fluid.
  • Don't turn to caffeine as your diuretic of choice, as it can interfere with sleep and bring back the puffiness.
  • Exercise to improve circulation, which will help your body move fluid through your body, rather than letting it accumulate.
6- Determine if you have any of the conditions associated with puffy eyes. Sometimes the swelling is a side effect of another condition, which is temporary, or must be treated individually:
  • Pregnancy - commonly associated with fluid retention
  • Hormonal variation in the menstrual cycle - commonly associated with fluid retention
  • Dermatitis - sensitive skin is more likely to swell in response to irritants
  • Allergies - can cause leaks in the subcutaneous capillary beds around the eyes
  • Mononucleosis - puffy eyes may be an early symptom of infection
  • Medication - puffiness or water retention could be a side effect
7- For allergies and puffy eyes, find out the item causing the allergic reaction and minimize its use; doctors may also provide medication in the form of shots or prescription drugs

8- Drink plenty of water to clean out your system

9-Cream for puffy eyes: Try a soothing eye cream with aloe and Vitamin E, which can be applied to the eyes

10- Accept yourself: If you've checked with your doctor, then your puffy eyes are probably only a cosmetic issue. It happens with age, and sometimes it just happens. Learn to draw attention to other features that haven't aged, such as the color of your eyes, the curl in your hair, or your attitude towards life.
  •  Tips
  1. Make a potato compress. Try searching the Internet for "raccoon eye eraser."
  2. You may notice that puffiness is worse in hot weather; the body is less efficient at removing fluid from tissues when it's warmer.
  3.  Alcohol and tobacco use can cause puffy eyes indirectly by affecting your sleep and hormonal cycles
  4. Drink lot of water before going to bed and after waking up. 
  • Warnings
  1. If the swelling is extreme or persistent, it may be a symptom of a serious illness, such as a blood clot, thyroid disease, or renal failure. Check with a doctor to investigate if the puffiness won't go away.
  2. Be careful about what type of tea you use. If you have allergies, an herbal tea like chamomile might swell your eyes.
  3. Do not apply ice or extremely cold water directly to the skin around the eyes for more than a couple of seconds.
  4. When using a new cosmetic product or trying a home remedy. If the condition worsens, or if you exhibit other symptoms, discontinue use immediately and contact your primary care physician or dermatologist for severe or persisting symptoms.
  5. If the puffy eyes does not reduce with any of the home remedies, then it would be hereditary. Blepharoplasty can fix the problem.
Have a nice day!

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