Iodine was once a common ingredient in many foods such as bread. In the 1980's, iodine was removed from our breads and replaced with Bromine. Bromine worsens iodine-deficiency problems because it INHIBITS absorption of iodine in the body! It is also a known CARCINOGEN.
Iodine is a body detoxifier! It has been proven to detoxify the body by flushing the following harmful substances out of the body:
– Bromine
– Fluoride
– Chlorine
– Mercury
– Lead
– Aluminum
– Cadmium
Iodine deficiency is linked to the following:
– Thyroid disease
– Prostate cancer
– Breast cancer
– Ovarian cancer
– Endometrial cancer
– Ovarian cysts
– Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Fibromyalgia (strong evidence supports fibromyalgia is simply iodine deficiency)
Iodine is cancer's enemy! “Iodine is not toxic to normal cells but IS toxic to cancer cells!”
In addition to causing cancer, an iodine deficiency will cause existing cancer to be more aggressive. Iodine is responsible for controlled cell death - a normal, necessary function of out bodies. Iodine plays a huge role in keeping cells in check so they don't grow out of control and overtake the body. Cancer cells are cells that keep growing and don't die! (thus lumps/tumors). Iodine deficiency seems like a logical explanation for cancer!
Coincidentally, Japanese women have lower rates of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers as well as fibrocystic breast disease. Go figure! Their diets are loaded with iodine from fish and seaweed!
Iodine supplementation improves / cures the following:
- Thinning hair / hair loss
– Fatigue / tiredness
– Feeling cold
– Brain fog / memory problems
- Muscle pain
- Basically all symptoms of hypothyroidism!
Iodine Rich Foods
Cheddar cheese
Cheese cake
Condensed milk
Fish oils
Fresh fish such as Haddock and Cod Hijike (Japanese seaweed)
Iodized salt
Jaffa cakes
Malt bread
Naan Bread (leavened, oven-baked flatbread.)
Sea foods
Sea kelp
Sea salt
Yorkshire pudding
More Benefits of Iodine
A healthy intake of iodine helps in maintaining shiny skin, teeth and hair. Lack of iodine in the body can not only cause hair fall, but also restrain hair growth.
One of the most prominent benefits of iodine is that it influences the functioning of the thyroid gland, thereby increasing the production of the hormone. This increased production of thyroid hormone is directly proportional to the basic metabolic rate. It influences the heart rate, blood pressure, body weight and temperature and also helps in protein synthesis.
Less intake of iodine leads to loss in energy levels and the feeling of being lethargic. Iodine helps in optimum utilization of calories without allowing deposit of excessive fats, thereby raising the energy levels.
The presence of iodine in the body helps in ensuring the apoptosis or programmed cell death, which is essential in the formation of new organs as well as in the removal of malignant cells, like cancer cells or diseased cells.
7 Signs of Iodine Deficiency
Iodine deficiency is a serious problem in the developing world but many Europeans and North Americans are also deficient. Iodine consumption has decreased by about 50% in the United States since the early part of the 20th century.
If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, you may want to have your thyroid tested as well as your iodine levels and then, after speaking with your doctor, consider whether adding extra iodine to your diet would be beneficial.
- Hypothyroidism
- Fatigue
- Weight Gain
- Depression
- Goiter
- Fibrocystic Breast Disease
- Pregnancy Complications
How much Iodine in your diet do you need?
0 - 6 months - 110 micrograms per day
7 - 12 months - 130 mcg per day
1 - 3 years - 90 mcg per day
4 - 8 years - 90 mcg per day
9 - 13 years - 120 mcg per day
Males age 14 and older - 150 mcg per day
Females age 14 and older - 150 mcg per day
For any medication your doctor might prescribe, there are also natural bovine capsules that can aid in better thyroid health.