Monday, June 18, 2012

Workouts and Green Tea..The Perfect Combination!

Drinking a couple of cups of green tea before exercise could help burn fat, researchers at the University of Birmingham suggest.
Scientists have found that green tea can increase fat oxidation''The rate at which fat is broken down inside the body'' during moderate intensity exercise. The beverage can also improve insulin sensitivity and glucose intolerance, meaning it could have the potential to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

It is believed that green tea exerts its effects on fat oxidation through the inhibition of catechol O-methyltransferase, an enzyme that degrades the hormone noradrenaline. Higher concentrations of noradrenaline could potentially result in a continuing stimulation of the mobilisation of fats from fat stores. These fats may then be transported to the muscle and used as a fuel during exercise.

Experts from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences carried out the study, published in  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The team of researchers, carried out two studies on young healthy men, who took either Green Tea Extract (GTE) – the equivalent of 3.5 cups - before performing in cycling trials. Scientists found that in the first group, the average fat oxidation rates were higher and that the contribution of fat oxidation to total energy expenditure was also significantly higher.

Green tea, discovered in China nearly 5,000 years ago, has long been thought to have health benefits. Over the last 10 years we have tried to find ways to increase fat burning during exercise. Apart from exercise training none of these ways have been very successful. The active compound in green tea, seems to be different and caused a significant increase in fat burning. This has potentially positive effects for athletes who want to increase their fat burning capacity or obese and diabetic patients who want to burn fat and lose weight.

In addition to effects on fat metabolism, green tea may have an effect on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity by improving glycemic control after an oral glucose load. After a meal insulin increases and this hormone makes sure that the nutrients are taken up by different tissues. In patients with type 2 diabetes tissues are insensitive to insulin. The study showed, however, that green tea extract ingestion can increase insulin sensitivity by 13 percent and can reduce the insulin response to a glucose load of 15 percent.

There is indirect evidence that the capacity to burn fat is related to various health benefits. An increased ability to burn fat may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

The best way to increase the capacity to burn fat is by regular physical activity. Nutrition supplements, sold as 'fat burners', are often claimed to have these effects but most of them are ineffective. Therefore the findings of this study are very exciting.
Have a nice week! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Castor Oil And Hair Growth.

A lot of people ask this question about castor oil as whether this oil helps hair growth. This question is mostly asked by those who are facing hair loss and thinning problems. The truth behind castor oil and hair growth is that ‘it can surely help a lot’. In fact many people have been using castor oil to treat their hair loss problem and have even got positive results too.

Use of castor oil is a natural way to make your hair grow healthier and thicker. This oil has got many medicinal and curative uses that make it effective in healing the body as well as maintaining beautiful and healthy hair. So, if you are facing hair problems such as hair thinning and hair loss, it is time to get a castor oil and get advantage of its benefits.

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor bean plant and has been used since time immemorial for a variety of conditions and complaints, including hair and skin care. It is regarded as valuable oil due to its myriad uses. This popular hair oil is a colorless to very pale yellow liquid with mild or no odor or taste. When you touch castor oil, it is thick and sticky in nature. Due to the ability of this oil to absorb fast and easily into skin and scalp cells, it is one of the popular ingredients in most skin and hair products.

Benefits of Castor oil for hair growth

Regular use of castor oil on your hair roots and scalp has got many benefits such as:
  1. Stimulates Hair Growth: When it comes to hair growth castor oil works in two ways. When you massage with castor oil it stimulate the hair follicles and encourage new and faster hair growth. Also as castor oil gets easily soaked in to the root of the hair, it interacts with the hair follicles and encourages them to grow additional hair.
  2. Conditions Scalp: Regular use of castor oil is must as it conditions the scalp and existing hair. This helps in making your hair healthier and even the texture of your hair gets better. Healthy hair strands appear thicker than unhealthy hair strands and thus with use of castor oil you will become proud of your thicker hair.
  3. Strengthens Hair: Each and every hair strand becomes stronger with the regular application of castor oil. When your hair is stronger it stays in the follicle for a longer period of time. Thus, there will be less hair breakage and hair loss. Broken hair strands can make hair appear thinner but with castor oil you will not be facing any such problem.
  4. Prevents Hair Loss: Due to the anti-bacterial and anti-fungicidal properties of ricinoleic acid available in castor oil it also helps in preventing hair loss. When you apply castor oil on to your scalp it protects the scalp and hair from infections that can cause hair loss.
  5. Solves Dryness: The omega-9 fatty acids available in castor oil moisturize and nourish the hair and prevent the scalp from drying. Regular application of castor oil to your scalp and roots can make dry hair turn into soft and shiny tresses within months. Dry scalp is one of the many reasons behind hair loss and other hair related problems.
  6. Solves Dandruff Problem: When you apply castor oil onto your scalp it cleanses the scalp thoroughly without leaving it dry and flaky. It removes the dirt and bacteria that clogs the scalp, which is the primary cause of dandruff and hair fall. Dandruff is caused by too much sebum production in your scalp and it can be controlled by the anti-bacterial property of castor oil is also vital in curing dandruff, which is caused by too much sebum production in your scalp.
  7. Cure Scalp Infections:  As castor oil has got healing properties, it can even be used to cure scalp infections and other side effects brought about by chemical treatment. This will prevent your hair from becoming brittle and will promote hair growth.
  8. Acts as Lubricant: Castor oil also works quite effectively as a lubricant for the hair. Natural lubricants that our body produces have a difficult time reaching the hair. Castor oil helps to maintain a healthy amount of lubrication and assists in keeping hair from getting tangled.
  9. Brings Shine to Hair:  As castor oil is humectants in nature it draws moisture into the hair and skin. Applying castor oil on hair will make it soft, shiny and strong. It also helps in hiding the appearance of frizzy, damaged, and split end hair. With regular use of castor oil your hair will not develop split ends.
  10. Stops Graying Hair: When your hair is treated with castor oil regularly, your gray hair will vanish soon. It has been found that dark hair growth appeared in place of grey hair, after massaging the scalp regularly with the oil.
Well, castor oil is versatile and is an all-around solution for different hair problems. Castor oil is not just for simple hair problems like frizzy locks, dandruff, or split ends, but also for serious hair problems like hair loss and damaged locks.

Where to buy castor oil?

Castor oil can be found in most good health food stores, supermarkets, pharmacies or you can even order your bottle online. Before buying castor oil, check the label properly to make sure it is cold-pressed and hexane-free. Avoid refined, adulterated oils which can clog the skin’s pores. Using the unrefined or purest form of castor oil for hair will give your best results as the oil will be in its natural state. Cold pressed castor oil is tasteless and odorless when pure. A bottle of castor oil can serve you for a long time because the thickness of the liquid requires you to use it in very small amount.

Best way to use castor oil:

Looking at the manifold benefits of castor oil for healthy hair, it is important that you also start using this popular hair oil. But before using castor oil for hair growth, it is essential to know how to use castor oil. Here is a step-by-step process of using castor oil:
  • Always invest in good quality castor oil to enjoy its benefits. Using your fingertips, apply castor oil to your roots and scalp.
  • When applying castor oil make sure it is evenly distributed on the scalp properly.
  • The oil should be applied on the roots and scalp. Avoid using the oil into your hair as its thick consistency may be hard to wash out.
  • After applying castor oil, cover your hair with a towel.
  • Allow castor oil to stay in your hair for at least 15 to 20 minutes or allow it to set overnight.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo to remove the castor oil.
  • Follow the process once a week for two to three months to see the results.
Note: You can also mix castor oil with other oils such as grape seed oil to minimize the thick consistency and unpleasant smell of the oil.

To conclude, castor oil is a wonderful oil to use for hair treatments and the benefits to your hair are astounding and well worth it. But, for those who are facing hair problems, it is essential to understand that using castor oil on your hair is just one of the strategies to encourage hair growth. For healthy hair growth there are many other factors too that need to be considered such as a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, regular exercise, proper hair care, using the best quality hair products and so on. When every condition is meet it will help you grow your hair back longer, thicker and stronger.

Have A beautiful Night! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Marjoram Health Benefits!

Native to the Mediterranean region, marjoram grows primarily in Sicily, and one of its cities, Marjoram, is named after it. The residents of Marjoram hold the belief that marjoram had the power to banish sorrow. In addition, marjoram has sacred associations in the Hindu religion and was found to be of considerable use in the middle Ages, especially to preserve and disinfect meat that was less than fresh.

Because marjoram is considered to have the most fragrant essential oil among all herbs, it is widely used in aromatherapy, and also as a warming and soothing message oil to provide relief for muscular ache. Its healing properties include: fighting asthma; headaches; and soothing the stomach and digestive tract. This soothing herbal flavor can be enjoyed as a tea by sprinkling water over a few sprigs of marjoram.

In addition, the leaf of the marjoram has been used to loosen phlegm. It acts as a decongestant and useful in bronchitis, sinusitis and sinus headaches. Used as a tonic for the nervous system, marjoram is believed to be more calming than oregano, as it is used to soothe the nerves, reduce tension and stress; especially environmental. One of the components in marjoram is the flavonoids which have sedation qualities which help to relieve insomnia, tension headaches and migraines.

Promoting healthy digestion and treating simple gastrointestinal disorders, such as loss of appetite, indigestion, nausea and flatulence is another benefit in using marjoram. Much like the herb peppermint, it is said to soothe minor digestive upsets and colic. The flavonoids may also promote healthy arteries and heart by preventing cholesterol buildup and improving blood circulation. It is also thought to help individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

Containing anti-inflammatory properties, marjoram can be used internally or externally. It alleviates aches and pains and when used externally, aids in the reduction of toothaches, muscular pain, bruises, arthritis, sprains and stiff joints. Used internally, it eases severe stomach cramps, spasms and painful menstruation. Marjoram stimulates perspiration, which also helps to rid the body of toxins through the skin. Moreover, this quality helps in the reduction of fevers, and helps to relieve cold and flu symptoms.

On the culinary side, marjoram makes excellent stuffing for chicken and turkey roasts. It makes an attractive garnish for bean and pea soups, and enhances the flavor of carrot and squash when cooked with it. It also works well with cheese and egg dishes. Marjoram is considered to be one of the rare herbs whose flavor intensifies when dried. It is also used in homemade sausages and meats that are to be cured or smoked. Marjoram also works well in combination with other herbs in spice blends. Marjoram is most definitely a major health benefit.

More Uses

  • Marjoram oil has a warming action and calms emotions, relieves anxiety as well as stress and helps to calms hyperactive people. It has good muscle relaxant properties and the pain killing properties are useful for rheumatic pains as well as sprains, strains and spasms, as well as swollen joints and painful muscles.
  • It is great for treating delayed, painful or scanty monthly periods as well as menstrual cramps.
  • Its oil may also be used with hyperactive children to help provide a mild form of sedation to clam them down. This would be best achieved by means of a room fragrance by placing a few drops in an oil burner.
  • A few drops of the oil in unscented lotions or boiled into pure water helps to strengthen, soften and soothe ones hair,feet and body.
  • Marjoram can be used in control of hormones and soothe the nerves
  • It's also has an effective role in controlling and burning fat in the body which leads to lose weight effectively and significantly It can help manage cravings and feelings of hunger, and it can also address some contributors to weight issues such as stress, anxiety and depression
How To of use
Put two teaspoons of dried marjoram  in a cup and then pour hot water and cover it for a quarter of an hour and then drink it.
Although it is non-toxic, avoid during pregnancy.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

50 Things I Want To Do Before I Die!

    Life is the most beautiful gift we have, but you never know how long you have until it’s over. That’s why I’m a big fan of doing things you want to do when you get the chance. Don’t wait for “Tomorrow” or “Someday”. If you get the opportunity today, then do it today.
    Here’s a list of 100 crazy things that I want to do before I die, and maybe we can even do some of these things together (who knows).

  1. Throw a huge party and invite every one of your friends.
  2. Swim with a dolphin.
  3. Skydive.
  4. Have your portrait painted.
  5. Learn to speak a foreign language and make sure you use it.
  6. Drive a Lamborghini or Ferrari: A Lamborghini and Ferrari are pretty much the most exclusive and expensive cars that money can buy, and only reserved for some very select individuals who earn enough to afford to own one. Fortunately, you can rent one for a few hours for just a fraction of the retail price, and it’s something that you need to experience. And remember to take plenty of videos and photos! :)
  7.  Tell someone the story of your life, sparing no details
  8. Attend at least one major sporting event: the Super Bowl, the Olympics...
  9. Run a marathon.
  10. Own a room with a view
  11. Buy a round-the-world air ticket and a rucksack, and run away 
  12. Send a message in a bottle.
  13. Give your mother a dozen red roses and tell her you love her
  14. Ride a camel into the desert.
  15. Learn not to say yes when you really mean no 
  16. Fall deeply in love ''helplessly and unconditionally''
  17. Shower in a waterfall.
  18. Learn to play a musical instrument with some degree of skill.
  19. Teach someone illiterate to read.
  20. Spend a night in a haunted house( by yourself  )
  21. Spend New Year's in an exotic location.

  22. Get passionate about a cause and spend time helping it, instead of just thinking about it.
  23. Own one very expensive but absolutely wonderful business suit.
  24.   Write your will.
  25. Spend a whole day reading a great novel.
  26. Forgive your parents.
  27. Overcome your fear of failure.
  28. Donate money and put your name on something: a college scholarship, a bench in the park. 
  29. Buy your own house and then spend time making it into exactly what you want.  
  30. Spend three months getting your body into optimum shape.
  31. Accept yourself for who you are
  32. Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
  33. Go up in a hot-air balloon.
  34. Give to a charity -- anonymously.
  35. Go deep sea fishing and eat your catch.
  36. Look into your child's eyes, see yourself, and smile.
  37. Ski a double-black diamond run.
  38. Get In a Physical Fight: You’ll never know what you’re made of until you get into a real (physical) fight. Can you throw a punch? Can you block or avoid a punch thrown at you? Can you knock someone out? It’s always better to avoid physical fights, but I can tell you that you learn a heck of a lot more from 5 minutes in a street fight than years of martial arts training.
  39. Visit the Eiffel Tower
  40. Visit The Pyramids of Egypt
  41. Live On An Island For At Least a Month
  42. Make $1,000,000: A somewhat big ambition, but it would be a cool achievement to make $1,000,000 in your life. A million dollars isn’t what it used to be 50 years ago, and there are plenty of people who have achieved it, so you can do it too!!
  43. Get Married
  44. Own a Pet (And Take Good Care of It)
  45. Climb A High Mountain
  46. Experience Weightlessness: It may currently not be in your reach, but I’m sure that over the next years, space travel will become something that’s not much more expensive than a first class ticket in an airplane. If that’s the case, go for it. How sweet would it be to float around without the law of gravity?
  47. Surfing
  48. Jump Off a High Cliff Into The Ocean
  49. Bungee Jumping
  50. Help Someone Without Wanting Anything In Return
If you enjoyed this post please share it...Have a Nice Day! ^_^

Best Summer Skin Care Tips!

Here comes the sun! Keep these warm-weather skin tips in mind and you'll protect your face and body while looking your skin-kissed best.

Sunshine, heat, humidity, and chlorine can do a number on summer skin. For one thing, the sun’s rays are particularly strong, so the chances of developing wrinkles, age spots or even worse, skin cancer increase. Plus, higher heat and humidity mean more rashes, breakouts, and clogged pores, while chlorine dries out your skin (and your hair!)
Hey, don’t let these potential downers rain on your summer parade. Follow these 10 summer skin tactics and you’ll be good to glow.

Don’t skip the moisturizer:
Your skin may be less dry these days, but don’t banish that moisturizer. Instead, switch to lighter, water-based formulas for both face and body, and swap your heavy eye cream for a lighter serum.

Slather on the sunscreen:
Choose products that provide broad-spectrum protection (they block both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays) with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. Apply sunscreen liberally (at least a one-ounce shot-glass-size amount) before you go outside; reapply every two hours and always after swimming. And don’t let those clouds fool you, apply sunscreen every single day!

Bring on the balm:
Lips are susceptible to skin cancer too, so be sure to wear a broad-spectrum sun-protective lip balm with an SPF of at least 15 to keep lips sun-safe and supple.

Switch to summer makeup:
Trade liquid foundation for a lighter, mineral-based powder with a minimum SPF of 15. Skip the creamy blush and instead go for a natural-looking glow with a touch of bronzing powder. Use waterproof mascara for streak-free swimming, and ditch that lipstick for a dab of tinted gloss.

Wear sun-protective clothing:
No need to cover up head to toe, but do consider a long-sleeved shirt, wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses at the beach, at least for part of the day. Remember, tightly woven, darker fabrics are better sun blockers than lightweight, light-hued fabrics, or try clothing especially made for sun protection.

Go for the faux:
 Minimize your chances of wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer by skipping the suntan altogether and opting for a sunless self-tanner, spray tan, or airbrushing.

Exfoliate regularly:
Sun, sand, sweat, and sunscreen only increase the amount of dead skin cells that build up on your face and body. Slough them off with an exfoliating scrub or loofah a few times each week. (A beautiful bonus: Exfoliating will also help your self-tanner go on more evenly and prevent streaking.)

Practice smart shaving:
Short shorts and sundresses mean more frequent shaving sessions, and that can irritate and/or dry out skin. This season, be sure to replace your razor often, shave only after you’ve been in the shower for a few minutes (when your hairs will be softer), use a moisturizing shaving cream or gel, rinse thoroughly, and moisturize immediately afterward.

Head off heat rash:
High temps and humidity may mean heat rash, especially if you’re overdressed or prone to sweating a lot. Do your best to keep cool and stay dry, and avoid wearing clothes that rub or irritate your skin. A mild heat rash should go away on its own, but if it’s accompanied by swelling, oozing, dizziness, nausea, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention ASAP, since those symptoms may be signs of an infection or a more serious heat-related illness.

Prevent rosacea:
This common skin condition can be exacerbated by heat, causing your face to swell, get red, and break out in little pimples. If you’re prone to rosacea, seek refuge in air-conditioning, wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes, and keep cool by taking cold showers, misting yourself with a spray bottle, and drinking plenty of cold water.

Use these 10 simple strategies for skin care in summer and you’ll have the best-looking and the healthiest  skin on the beach!
Have a nice weekend! :)