Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What To Eat Before And After Workouts?!

The food an athlete eats before, during and after a workout is important for both comfort and performance during exercise. Energy foods including bars, drinks, gels and other easily digestible carbohydrates can help prevent the distracting symptoms of hunger during exercise and keep you from depleting your energy too quickly. The major source of fuel for active muscles is carbohydrate which gets stored in the muscles as glycogen in the days before exercise. It takes time to completely fill glycogen stores, and what you eat after exercise can help or hinder this process. Eating the right foods at the right time after a workout is essential for recovery and being ready for the next workout.

What you eat before exercise often depends upon your unique needs and preferences, but should be designed according to the intensity, length and type of workout you plan to do.

  • When to Eat Before Exercise
Exercising on a full stomach is not ideal. Food that remains in your stomach during an event may cause stomach upset, nausea, and cramping. To make sure you have enough energy, yet reduce stomach discomfort, you should allow a meal to fully digest before the start of the event. This generally takes 1 to 4 hours, depending upon what and how much you've eaten. Everyone is a bit different, and you should experiment prior to workouts to determine what works best for you. If you have an early morning race or workout, it's best to get up early enough to eat your pre-exercise meal. If not, you should try to eat or drink something easily digestible about 20 to 30 minutes before the event. The closer you are to the time of your event, the less you should eat. You can have a liquid meal closer to your event than a solid meal because your stomach digests liquids faster.

  • What to Eat Before Exercise
Because glucose is the preferred energy source for most exercise, a pre-exercise meal should include foods that are high in carbohydrates and easy to digest. This includes foods such as pasta, fruits, breads, energy bars and drinks.
  • Suggested Foods for Exercise
Eating before exercise is something only the athlete can determine based upon experience, but some general guidelines include eating a solid meal 4 hours before exercise, a snack or a high carbohydrate energy drink 2 to 3 hours before exercise, and fluid replacement 1 hour before exercise.

1 hour or less before hard workouts
  • fresh fruit such as apples, watermelon, peaches, grapes, or oranges and/or
  • Energy gels
  • up to 1 1/2 cups of a sports drink.
2 to 3 hours before
  • fresh fruits
  • bread, bagels, pasta
  • yogurt
  • water
3 to 4 hours before 
  • fresh fruit
  • bread, bagels
  • pasta with tomato sauce
  • baked potatoes
  • energy bar
  • cereal with milk
  • yogurt
  • toast/bread with a bit of peanut butter, lean meat, or cheese
  • water

Glucose (Sugar) and Exercise Performance

If you are an endurance athlete, evidence suggests that eating some sugar (glucose) 35 to 40 minutes before an event may provide energy when your other energy stores have dropped to low levels. However, you should experiment with such strategies before competition because some people do not perform well after a blood glucose spike.

Caffeine and Performance

Caffeine acts as a stimulant on the central nervous system. It had been thought to boost endurance by stimulating a greater use of fat for energy, and thereby reserving glycogen in the muscles. Research, however, doesn't seem to support that theory. When caffeine improves endurance, it does so by acting as a stimulant. Caffeine can have serious side effects for some people. Those who are very sensitive to its effects may experience nausea, muscle tremors, and headaches. Too much caffeine is a diuretic, and can result in dehydration, which decreases performance.
  • Foods to Avoid Before Exercise
Foods with a lot of fat or fiber can be very difficult and slow to digest and remain in the stomach a long time. They also will pull blood into the stomach to aid in digestion, which can cause cramping and discomfort. Meats, doughnuts, fries, potato chips, and candy bars should be avoided in a pre-exercise meal. Keep in mind that everyone is a bit different and what works for you may not work for you teammate or training partner. Factor in individual preferences and favorite foods, and an eating plan is a highly individualize thing.
  • Is there such a thing as a pre-workout nutrition plan?
Certainly, and following a correct one will yield you great results than either exercising on an empty stomach or one filled with the incorrect food.

Actually, a correct pre-workout nutrition plan will be one that can supply quick energy sources, mostly carbohydrates, that can preserve your energy reserves, and also able to provide added blood flow to the muscle tissue.
  • The Pre-Workout Essentials;
Carbs and Proteins
When you workout for periods longer than 30 minutes, you start using up your energy reserves. These energy reserves are merely glycogen, it is the sugar stored in the liver and muscles.
Exercising will burn your stored energy quickly, and it can't use the oxygen kept in the fat deposits as a fuel. Therefore the body needs to find sugar fast, and does so in the muscle tissue and from the blood.
So, it's best to eat something with simple sugars in it just before training. This will reduce the amount of body glycogen used during your training.
An added benefit is that eating the simple sugars before training will give you a sustained performance. It must also be mentioned that keeping your glycogen levels high, along with those of insulin, make the best environment for muscle growth.

As mentioned above, you need to get the blood flowing into those working muscles during a workout. It is very important then, to insure that you have enough available amino acids for muscle tissue.
A lot of people think that proteins are necessary after the workout. They are not wrong, but they error if they think they are not needed BEFORE the workout.
In fact, it is proven that if you can supply available amino acids to your body before the workout, it will be more easily taken up by the muscles than it will after the workout.
Research has proven "the response of net muscle protein synthesis to consumption of a protein solution immediately before resistance exercise is greater than when the solution is consumed after exercise". The reason for this is consumption of protein before the workout.
  • Why to eat After a Workout?
The post workout meal (the meal you eat after a workout) is probably the most important meal of the day for anyone who is into nutrition and fitness. However, in a lot of cases this importance also leads to confusion. Maybe it's because of the many ready-made shakes available. Maybe it's the trouble with fitting it in with the rest of your diet. Maybe it's just not knowing whether you should even eat anything after you've worked out. Whatever it is, something about it confuses people.
Nutrition following a training session is one of the most important recovery factors that you can control. You've just spent the last one, two, or five hours depleting your energy stores and pounding your muscles. Not only is it important to replenish these stores so you can recover quickly and exercise again soon, but this is also critical for gaining fitness and maintaining and building lean muscle. Exercise provides the stimulus needed for adaptation, but the body will only grow stronger if you supply it with enough energy.

What to eat after a Workout?

Simply put, aside from water (which you should already know you need) your post workout meal also needs to contain 2 things, protein and carbs. Some suggestions can be:
  • Dried fruit and nuts
  • Fruit OR Vegetable juice along with Chicken or Vegetable sandwiches (preferably brown bread)
  • Veggie omelet with toast or roll
  • Chocolate milk
  • Cereal with milk
  • Eggs and toast
  • A protein or energy bar
  • A protein or energy shake

What NOT to eat after a Workout?

You should NOT be eating fat. Again, Fat slows down digestion. It would also be slowing down the digestion of protein and carbs that you had after the work out. This is the exact opposite of what you want to happen.

When to eat?

The first hour after a workout is considered the body's "golden hour." It's during this time after a workout that glycogen stores are depleted, and the enzymes that convert glucose into glycogen are in a state such that sugar (glucose) can be consumed and is rushed directly to the muscles to replace lost glycogen stores. A post-workout meal or drink is also important in replacing fluids lost through sweating to rehydrate the body. Replacement of glycogen stores, fluids, and potassium should start within 30 minutes after exercise to promote a quick recovery.

 Enjoy your workouts and have a nice day! :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Treat And Prevent Dry Cracked Lips?!

What are cracked lips?
Cracked lips are a symptom in which the lips are dry, peeling or chapped. Breaks may appear on the surface, and the lips may become painful and may bleed. Loss of moisture in lip skin causes chapped lips.
In most cases, cracked lips are not caused by a serious condition and do not pose any health risks.
Often, you may be able to correct your cracked lips with healthy habits such as regularly applying lip balm, using sunscreen when spending time outdoors, and drinking plenty of water.

 What causes cracked lips?
Cracked lips are usually a mild symptom that occurs as a result of environmental factors, personal habits such as licking your lips, or conditions such as mild dehydration and the common cold. Cracked lips are rarely a sign of a severe condition.

1-Environmental causes of cracked lips

Cracked lips may be caused by environmental conditions including:
  • Cold weather
  • Dry weather
  • Indoor heating
  • Sun damage
  • Wind exposure

2-Other common causes of cracked lips

Cracked lips may also be caused by:
  • Allergic reaction to lip products such as lipstick or lip balm
  • Medications could be a factor. Suspect any newly started medications as the potential source of irritation.
  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Due to the thyroid hormone imbalances
  • Canker sores
  • Cold sores (herpes simplex virus infections)
  • Common cold (viral respiratory infection)
  • Mild dehydration
  • Repeated licking of the lips
  • Vitamin deficiency (B vitamins)
  • Chapped lips can also be triggered by your hypersensitivity to a new lipstick, in which case throw it into the garbage and never buy any product of the same brand again

3-Serious or life-threatening causes of cracked lips

Rarely, cracked lips associated with a medical emergency. However, cracked lips may be a sign of  severe dehydration (loss of body fluids and electrolytes)and electrolyte imbalances that can result in shock or coma and may be life threatening. Seek prompt medical care if your cracked lips are persistent or cause you concern.

Questions for diagnosing the cause of cracked lips

To diagnose your condition, your doctor or licensed health care practitioner will ask you several questions related to your cracked lips including:
  • How long have you experienced cracked lips?
  • Do your cracked lips worsen when you use certain lip products, such as lipstick?
  • Are you experiencing any other symptoms along with your cracked lips?
  • Are your cracked lips becoming worse or more frequent?

What are the potential complications of cracked lips?

Cracked lips are generally harmless and do not produce long-term complications. Damage to the lips from irritation may predispose you to the development of secondary bacterial or fungal infections.  Once the underlying cause is diagnosed, it is important for you to follow the treatment plan that you and your health care professional design specifically for you to reduce the risk of potential complications.
Although these complications are rare with cracked lips, left untreated, severe dehydration can lead to serious consequences including:
  • Acute renal (kidney) failure
  • Bacterial infections
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Fungal infections

Mouth symptoms that may occur along with cracked lips

Cracked lips may accompany other symptoms affecting the mouth including:
  • Bleeding
  • Canker sores
  • Cold sores (herpes simplex virus infections)
  • Dry mouth
  • Hoarse voice
  • Redness, warmth or swelling

Other symptoms that may occur along with cracked lips

Cracked lips may accompany symptoms related to other body systems. These may include:
  • Feeling very thirsty
  • General ill feeling
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Stuffy nose or nasal condition

20 Ways To Cure And Prevent Dry Lips

The irritation of chapped lips often escalates from a small cosmetic issue into a persistant painful condition, sending one on the endless pursuit of soothing comfort.
The change of seasons, with overnight fluctuations in temperatures and humidity, often ushers in weeks of discomfort for many children and adults.
  1. Use lip balms with cocoa butter and/or beeswax. Examine lips balm ingredients very carefully as some components of “medicated” lip balms can actually act as irritants (see step 7 below).
  2. Use a multivitamin supplement daily as chapped lips could indicate a nutritional deficiency.
  3. Eat foods high in calcium, magnesium and flaxseed oil Calcium rich foods include milk, yogurt, cheese, beans, and salmon. Almonds and tofu are very high as well. Combine calcium intake with magnesium (seek out legumes, nuts, whole grains and vegetables) and flax seed oil. These three ingredients are proven to aid in the healing of lip surfaces.
  4. Drink more than the recommended 8 glasses of water a day (experts recommend 100 ounces of more per day for chapped lips), preferably heated. Sipping hot water or decaffeinated tea slowly, throughout the day, dilates the circulatory system and will increase moisture to the tissues.
  5. Avoid caffeine and alcohol which are major tissue dehydrators.
  6. Avoid flavored lip balms which can cause more frequent lip licking, increasing the degree of chapping.
  7. Avoid phenol and camphor which are often found in lip balms. Phenol is a mild anesthetic and camphor adds a cooling, tingling sensation which in the short term may bring temporary relief but could irritate already sensitive lip tissues.
  8. Treat chaffed, chapped and scaling lips overnight with a homemade ointment mixed from 1 tsp glycerine, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp castor oil. Spread on lips overnight, refrigerating the leftovers for future use.
  9. Add humidifiers to your home. Lips, hair, nails and skin all thrive in humidified air.
  10. Add a coat, when you wear a coat - Keep lips shielded against the elements with a coat of petroleum jelly, balm (non flavored, without phenol or camphor) or Aquaphor ointment (a celebrity favorite).
  11. Goose or Duck Fat:  Our grandmothers used goose or duck fat to facilitate the healing of chapped lips. Those are truly wonderful remedies, so next time when you are making a roast duck with apples, do not discard the fat, but keep it in the fridge as a traditional medicine. If you do not have any, do not despair coconut oil, or olive oil, or shea butter, will work great, as well. Apply frequently until your lips heal.
  12.  No Alcohol: Do not use any gel, balm, or lipstick that contain alcohol, they for sure will worsen the condition and will make your chapped lips feel even dryer and more painful. Use only natural remedies. A good rule is to put on your lips only edible ingredients (this rule also works well for any other body care products.
  13. No Hot, Spicy, Salty: Abstain from eating any hot, spicy, or salty foods for as long as your lips are still dry, cracked, and painful.
  14. Stay Home: Avoid going outside if the weather is dry and windy. If you must, use a generous amount of natural oil to protect your lips from unfriendly environment.
  15. Be patient:  It may take up to a week for your lips to heal completely.
  16. Ensure your body is not deficient in B vitamins, iron or essential fatty acids. These deficiencies can cause scaling of lips and cracking of lip corners.
  17. Don't lick your lips, it will cause more chapping. Licking lips doesn't moisturize them.
  18. Lip lickers also tend to be lip biters and pickers. Biting lips removes their protective covering which causes further drying. Tell a friend to stop you every time you pick your lips.
  19. Use a soft toothbrush to softly buff your lips to remove the deposit of dead cells that will cause more drying and flaking.
  20. Ordinary Vaseline works wonders. It prevents sun blisters as well if applied before venturing into the sun.
  • Chapped lips can be a problem. To prevent it try to put lip balm or chapstick before you go to bed.
  • When you wake up the next morning your lips will be smooth and soft. Also in the morning apply lip balm and add a coat of lip gloss.
  • You can also use sunscreen and put them on you lips if you wish.
Medical attention should be sought if symptoms persist without improvement. Your physician may choose to prescribe antibiotics or may consider prescription treatment for dermatitis. The return of the lips you long for is imminent.  It is always better to prevent than to cure. Chapped lips can be caused by a number of factors, and many of them, such as being for a long time in a dry and cold environment, eating very salty dishes, or kissing outside in a windy weather, can be avoided or at least minimized.

Have a beautiful day! :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Your Way To Painless Life!

Here are some tips:
1.                      Posture
when sitting, walking and standing, keep you shoulders relaxed and your head level. To achieve a straight back, hold your hair and imagine you're pulling yourself upwards.
Standing with your knees slightly bent will improve your posture and help prevent back pain.

2.                      Sitting
Don't stay seated for too long.
Every 30 minutes, stand up, stretch and walk around.

3.                      Lifting
Take care when lifting - it's the cause of many back injuries. Hold the load close to your body, feet shoulders-width apart. Bend your knees, not your back, and lift with 'leg power'. Don't left heavy loads higher than your waist. Avoid twisting - turn by moving your feet, not your back.
4.                      Mattress and pillow
your pillow should support your head and neck and keep your spine aligned.
Invest in a supportive mattress,  it should be firm enough to support your natural shape. If your mattress is too firm consider a mattress overlay.
Don't sleep on your tummy. It forces you to twist your neck to breathe. Instead, sleep on your back or side.
5.                      Back Support
Good support from your car seat will prevent back and neck pain, especially if you spend a lot of time driving. Invest in a lumbar roll for lower back support if you drive for long distances and stop and stretch every hour.
6.                      Office work
Some office tasks require continuous repetitive movements that can cause muscle fatigue, so plan you day's work to provide frequent changes of activity. Regular neck, shoulder and arm stretches will also help.
7.                      Baby slings
Baby slings help prevent back pain by relieving tension in the arm muscles and allow you to take the load of your baby's weight evenly.

8.                      Gardening
Kneel when gardening at ground level, rather than bending from the waist. Keep one hand on the ground for support as you lean forward. If your garden bed is wide, don't lean in from the edge. Use a plank of wood to kneel or stand on.
When watering the garden with buckets of water, only half fill backets to lighten the load or carry two containers of water to distribute theload equally on each side of your body.

9.                      Exercise
Always warm up before you exercise. You will reduce the risk of injury and improve your performance. After exercise, drink plenty of water and keep moving while you cool down. This will help prevent stiffness and soreness

10.                  R.I.C.E. technique
Sprains and strains heal much faster if you use the R.I.C.E. technique in the first 24 to 72 hours after injury (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.)

Have a nice day!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dark Chocolate and Your Health

It's one of the most popular sweets of all time. Women crave it, men hoard it, and Aztec kings were said to have been the first to eat it. But why do we love chocolate so much?

Why chocolate is so popular!
  • It melts in your mouth. The cocoa butter in chocolate gives it a rich, creamy consistency that also transmits the cocoa's flavor perfectly. It also has a melting point that's just a bit lower than the average human body temperature, which gives you that melt-in-your-mouth feeling every time you pop a piece of chocolate in your mouth. Chocolate lovers often describe this melting feeling as a true moment of ecstasy.
  • Women crave chocolate more often than men do. Women are also habitually given chocolate as birthday and Valentine's Day presents. In our culture, chocolate is thought of as a romantic gift, it's associated with love and romance. That could be another reason why women particularly love chocolate: deep down, it makes them feel loved, cared for, and pampered.
  • It's really good for you - Recent studies suggest that chocolate especially dark chocolate contains chemicals that lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Flavanoids and antioxidants in dark chocolate have been shown to make a difference in cardiovascular health. Until recently, tea was considered the main source for these chemicals. Now, scientists recommend that you have a chocolate cookie or biscuit with your tea so your body gets more of those life-lengthening chemicals.
  • Don't have milk with your dark chocolate, however..the same studies show that milk can cancel out the healthful effects of eating chocolate by preventing those helpful chemicals from being fully absorbed in the body.
Actually, in moderate quantities dark chocolate has benefits similar to those of green tea or red wine, only more so. Dark chocolate can be good for your health!It truly can be a miracle food. Even better, it tastes wonderful, it's hard to find anyone who doesn't like some kind of chocolate.
Several studies have demonstrated that lowered blood pressure is one of the primary health benefits of eating moderate amounts of dark chocolate.

How Does It Work?
Dark chocolate is very high in antioxidants, which protect the body from cell damage caused by exposure to the world, helping to reduce or counteract some of the effects normally attributed to aging. This protection results in improved blood circulation, and lower blood pressure.

The antioxidants found in dark chocolate are similar to those found in green tea and red wine. In fact, dark chocolate has significantly more antioxidants than either of these. In addition to lowered blood pressure, these antioxidants have been shown to provide other benefits, such as lower cholesterol and protection from heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Also not yet proven, but suspected, dark chocolate health benefits include: decreased complications in pregnant women, boosted brain function and delayed brain decline with aging, some protection against tooth decay, improves post-workout muscle recovery, and protects against the skin damage effects of the sun's ultra-violet (UV) radiation such as wrinkling and possibly even skin cancer.Studies for more dark chocolate health benefits are still underway!

Why Only the Dark Chocolate?Not White or Milk Chocolate?!

Why are all of these various health benefits attributed to dark chocolate? Raw cocoa contains the most antioxidants. Essentially, the raw cocoa is processed the least to produce dark chocolate. More processing, and removal of more antioxidants, produces milk chocolate, and even more processing (basically leaving no antioxidants) is required for white chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa in your dark chocolate, the higher the antioxidants, and the greater the benefits.

To Maximize Health Benefits

Let's admit it. None of us are eating dark chocolate just for the health benefits, right? But, we can adjust our consumption to maximize the dark chocolate health benefits by following these 4 steps:

1.      The darker the chocolate the better. Choose higher percentages of cocoa. This maximizes the antioxidants.

2.      Eat moderate portions. Dark chocolate is high calorie.

3.      Avoid dark chocolate with extra calories, such as with nougat, caramel, marshmallow, etc.

4.     Don't Forget!! Do not consume with milk.

Other Benefits of Dark Chocolate:
Chocolate also holds benefits apart from protecting your heart:
·         it tastes good
·         it stimulates endorphin production, which gives a feeling of pleasure
·         it contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant
·         it contains Theo bromine, caffeine and other substances which are stimulants

Doesn't Chocolate Have a lot of Fat?

Here is some more good news, some of the fats in chocolate do not impact your cholesterol. The fats in chocolate are 1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stearic acid and 1/3 palmitic acid:

·    Oleic Acid is a healthy monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil.
·    Stearic Acid is a saturated fat but one which research is shows has a neutral effect on cholesterol.
·    Palmitic Acid is also a saturated fat, one which raises cholesterol and heart disease risk.
That means only 1/3 of the fat in dark chocolate is bad for you.

Chocolate Nutrition Facts
 Dark Chocolate contains a multitude of nutrients: cocoa powerful antioxidants, fats (through cocoa butter); carbohydrates (through starch and various sugars); large amounts of vegetable proteins, potassium, and magnesium; small amounts of calcium and sodium; traces of iron; vitamins A, B1, (which is thiamine), B2 (which is riboflavin), D, and E; and caffeine.

Many of these are good nutrients, creating chocolate nutrition health benefits. For a relatively small quantity, chocolate is a high-energy food. The difference between milk chocolate and dark chocolate is the ratio of cocoa liquor-to-milk. Some manufacturers use milk solids instead of whole milk, accounting for the many varieties of chocolate.

One bar of dark chocolate has around 400 calories. If you eat half a bar of chocolate a day, you must balance those 200 calories by eating less of something else. Cut out other sweets or snacks and replace them with chocolate to keep your total calories the same.

Here are my top health benefits of dark chocolate

Brain health benefits of dark chocolate
Like the heart and blood vessels, dark chocolate can protect the brain from conditions related to high blood pressure, clots and free radical damage. Chocolate also affects the brain’s function, thereby affecting mental function, cognition and mood. One of the really good health benefits of dark chocolate!

Dark chocolate and the effects of diabetes
Both forms of diabetes are conditions that are linked to and exacerbate other major conditions. Numerous studies indicate that dark chocolate has a very favorable effect on blood sugar levels and the symptoms of diabetes.

Health benefits of dark chocolate on inflammation
A growing body of research associates chronic inflammation with a number of diseases ranging from heart disease and dementia to gastrointestinal disorders and diabetes. Fortunately, cocoa has been proven to be a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Chocolate is also very good for skin
Today there are many chocolate facials available that gives glow to the skin.

Health benefits of dark chocolate and weight control
It’s not secret that obesity is a huge and growing problem in the whole world and other. Fortunately. cocoa appears to possess different properties that can reduce weight gain in the body. It may also have appetite suppressant properties.Remember! in moderate quantities

Oral health benefits of dark chocolate
There has long been a misconception that chocolate contributes to tooth cavities. While it’s probably true that low-grade, refined sugar-laden chocolate certainly can contribute to decay, research suggests that dark chocolate actually helps fight tooth decay.

Mental benefits of eating chocolate
Research has shown that chocolate contains Theo bromine, a component that is rich in caffeine and anandamide. These properties tend to induce mental alertness and aids in increasing our moods.
Depleted serotonin levels can lead to depression and suicide. In addition, a person who has low dopamine quantities tends to feel apathetic and sad. On the contrary, when a person has increased levels of these chemical properties in his brain, one would feel a blast of euphoria and good mood.
Antidepressant properties were confirmed by researchers when they revealed that both serotonin and dopamine levels increased after munching on dark chocolate bars. Carbohydrates and Theo bromine are substances that stimulate the nervous system of our brain. Furthermore, these chemical mediators provide us with extra energy to utilize in our activities. Research has also demonstrated that chomping on chocolates could help in stimulating women with low libidos.

One piece of dark chocolate a day can do wonders for your memory
There is a good news for the all the people who can resist themselves from eating dark chocolates. Yes that is true that dark chocolate is really good your brain and memory!
Dark chocolates contain essential minerals and also bioflavonoids, especially flavonols. it helps increase the blood flow in the brain which increases the elasticity of the blood vessels

Chocolates are very good stress busters, so when you are stressed out, try a piece of chocolate and notice the change within you. So, there are now better reasons for you to enjoy dark chocolate

Have a great day!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fun & Creative Ways to Burn More Calories!

New Year's has long passed, and your resolutions have gone the way of the dinosaurs. Why? It's really hard to stay motivated during ice cream season. That's why I would love to give you some creative ways to help you shrink your size. Do five of them a day and you can lose a pound a week!

1. Walk into town, instead of getting the bus
2. Turn up the stereo and sing along really loud
3. Eat spicy food, Like eating chili for a couple of days: Research shows that chili peppers boost your metabolic rate, burning 50 more cals a day. the heat actually makes you burn off calories!
4. Dance
5. Drink a glass of cold water before you exercise, you burn up 100 extra calories warming up again
6. Turn the shower on cold for 20 seconds before you get out, that’s another 100 calories or so!
7. Stretch your muscles,toned muscles burn up more energy all the time, even when you’re not doing much
8. Watch a funny film, laughter tones up your stomach muscles and burns up energy (Ten straight minutes of laughter can burn 40 calories,no joke!!)
9. Eat celery
10.Take the stairs
11. Wash the car yourself
12. Do some gardening
13. In the winter…. Shovel snow (or have a snowball fight)
14. Go for a quick swim
15. Try surfing
16. Vary your workouts, stop your body getting used to it
17. Breathe through your nose, not your mouth, this regulates your heart rate and ups your endurance
18. Housework!  Carry five grocery bags from the car to the kitchen and put the food away, take out the trash, wash the dishes, and wipe down the kitchen counter.Vaccuming and ironing also burn up energy
19. Paint a room
20. Play Frisbee
21. Take a long phone call standing up
22. Stand on tip-toes while brushing your teeth
23. Be immature and play skipping games, jump on the bed, and be silly
24. Get enough sleep. A good night’s rest will help you burn 40% more. Getting fewer than four hours of sleep over an extended period of time slows the metabolism. Experts recommend aiming for between seven and nine.
25. Drink a glass of water before you eat a meal, you’ll eat less
26. Eat slowly, let your food go down, and you’ll eat less
27. Go shopping
28. Drink lots of green tea, it ups your metabolism
29. When you walk, swing your arms, it helps the easy full-body work out!
30. Bounce the ball on your knee 600 times.
31. Push a grocery cart for 45 minutes.
32. Chew calorie-free gum for 9 hours.
33. Play squash for 8 minutes.
34. Eat four meals with chopsticks instead of a fork: Slowing down can help you consume about 25 fewer calories per meal.
35. Lift and lower a soy sauce bottle or a water bottle 170 times with your right hand and 170 times with your left.
36. Walk backward in the park. (For every 8 calories burned walking forward, walking backward burns 10.)
37. Degrease by scrubbing in the shower for 15 minutes, then spend 7 minutes shaving, 3 minutes toweling off, 4 minutes moisturizing, and 20 minutes blow-drying and styling your hair.

38. Jog through water. It's one of the most strenuous activities you can perform, since water is about 12 to 15 times as resistant as air. Running at your hardest, you can burn about 17 calories per minute...at least twice as much as you would burn running on pavement.
39. Sign up for hip-hop. Surprising your body with a new dance or sport forces it to work harder because it's doing unfamiliar movements and using muscle groups in different ways. In the process, you'll burn more calories than you would by doing the same old routine.

40. Work out in the A.M. Research has shown that people who exercise in the morning keep their metabolism elevated for hours and thus get a jump on burning calories. Studies also show that people who start each day with a workout tend to stick with their programs longer.

41. Fuel up first. Grab a banana before you hit the gym, and it may actually help you slice off more calories in the long run. Shoot for 100 to 200 calories to nibble on: Yogurt, a piece of fruit, peanut butter and crackers, or half an energy bar are all excellent choices.    

42. Do a triathlon at the gym. Simply split your 30- or 45- minute workout into three segments—for example, pedal on a stationary bike, power-walk on a treadmill, and step onto an elliptical trainer for 10- or 15-minute bursts with no rest in between. You'll keep up your heart rate and increase the burn.

43. Don't slouch. Propping yourself on your arms while you're using the elliptical trainer, stair-climber, or treadmill makes the routine feel easier, but it gives you a less-challenging workout. Be sure to maintain a neutral spine to protect your back, keep your abs tight, and go easy on the handrails.

  • Women with great bodies have a dirty little secrets:
Sure, they workout and eat well, but they also sneakily burn hundreds more calories than everyone else. From the outside, they don't seem to be doing anything particularly strenuous. "You wouldn't believe how many straightforward ways there are to burn calories," says Lauren Slayton, director of foodtrainers.net. "But it's easy to miss the opportunities if you're not looking for them."

Research has shown that swapping sedentary habits, such as watching television, for pretty much anything that doesn't involve sitting down can make a world of difference. "Most people don't realize that a little extra effort can yield great results,"
The experts explain how to take every opportunity to flex your muscles, boost your heart rate, and eat foods that yield maximum fullness for minimal calories. Just don't tell anyone.

1. Take vitamin D Women who were deficient in it lost weight more slowly in a study in the British Journal of Nutrition.

2. Drink coffee Studies have found that caffeine increases the rate at which you burn calories. Have a cup of coffee, cut the sugar and have low-fat milk and it will speed your metabolism and flush out your digestive system

3. Wear a basic pedometer Every week, aim to take a few more steps than you did the last week

4 Eat lightly and often For most people, the body uses up more energy digesting smaller meals every few hours than by eating the same number of calories in two or three sittings

5. Eat breakfast You send your body a signal that you're not starving, so it starts burning fat, even when you're just doing normal activities...Try scrambled egg whites or oatmeal with fruit.

6. Time yourself Spend the last five minutes of each hour (set your computer timer) up and moving around.

7. Fill up on fiber Low-carb, high-fiber foods take more time to digest than other foods, leaving you feeling fuller longer and less likely to snack,

8. Fidget You can burn up to 350 more calories a day than someone who remains stationary, according to a study at the Mayo Clinic. The impulse to fidget may be hardwired, but nonfidgeters can imitate it: Tap your feet, pace, or move restlessly in your seat.

9. Don't eat late at night It can interrupt sleep, according to Wellington, and may induce you to skip breakfast, bad for your metabolism.

10. Straighten up Good posture not only makes you look taller and leaner, but it strengthens your abdominal muscles

11. Drink more  Dehydrated people experience a drop in their metabolic rate. Drinking water throughout the day caused metabolic rates to increase by about 30 percent in a German study. The goal: eight cups a day.

12. Beware of sugar It triggers the body to release insulin, which then either transplants sugar to the cells to be used as energy, or stored as fat

13. Squat When you pick up something from the floor, keep your back straight and bend at the knees, not the waist.This protects your back and tones your legs

14. Switch sides Whether you're carrying a heavy bag on your shoulder or a child on your hip, swapping sides every five minutes works more muscles

15. Cook your own food It's often healthier, and by the time you've made a meal and cleaned up, you've been on your feet a half-hour more than you would have waiting for takeout

16. Avoid eating lunch at your desk If you must, have a quick bite, then go for a short walk.

17. Wear high heels Every few days, wear the highest heels you own. It helps tone your legs, because they work different muscles in the calves and thighs.

18. Relax...Stress causes the body to release cortisol, which causes more calories to be stored as fat, especially in your abdomen.

19. Watch less television 

20. Eat salmon, Salmon eaters lost significantly more weight than beef eaters in a study, even though the calories consumed were equal.

21. Eat the peel It takes the body more energy to break down fiber-rich foods, like the skins of fruits and vegetables

22. Get busy, Most couples burn an average of 300 calories an hour while they're having sex.

23. People who replace oils and fats like animal fats and sunflower oil with those containing medium-chain fatty acids, such as coconut oil, lose more body fat.

24. Don't snack in the car Experts say it's a hotbed of mindless eating and excess calorie consumption.

25. Don't forget dairy Researchers believe that low-fat dairy inhibits fats from being stored

Have a nice weekend! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Foods That Can Damage Your Health

Any one concerned about the way their body functions is interested in healthy eating. The problem is that people have come to believe that the government will protect us by being sure the food supply is safe. This means they neglect the importance of being an informed consumers. Most of us do not read labels and believe our body will sort out everything. Poisoning can occur over a long period of time from constantly eating the wrong foods. Big mistake!

A:Foods That Harm Your whole body
  • Salt
Salt has been used as a flavor enhancer for centuries but today we can not get away from it. Fast food has loads of it and canned or packaged foods commonly list sodium as an ingredient. To top this we add salt to cooking and then add more at the table.
Sodium is a needed electrolyte available in sufficient quantities through a healthy diet. We don't need more unless we lead an energetic lifestyle. Overuse can result in stomach, duodenal and gastric cancers, high blood pressure, heart disease and death.

  • Processed foods
Processed foods are everywhere... While a certain amount of processing is necessary to remove husks, grind or change textures the original purpose is often sacrificed to convenience in packaging or appeal to the lowest denominator. Processing removes many vitamins and minerals and most fiber. This is replaced, often artificially, as an enhancement to sell more product. Overly processed food users have to resort to additives.
  • Colorants
When you start reading labels, you will notice that food dyes can be found in all sorts of foods. Snack cakes, puddings, granola, juices, fruit snacks (for the majority,they are NOT fruit!!), cereals, Children's food, almost all sweets and snack foods are colored to feed the eye. Most of us control colorants but some have obvious bad reactions to them. They have no nutrient value. Bulking agents like Guar gum
make it seem like we are getting more for our money. Often we do, in the form of severe flatulence.
Vitamin and minerals shouldn't have been removed in the first place.
Impaired brain function, hyperactive behavior, difficulty focusing, lack of impulse control, how's that for starters!
Are these attributes you like to see in your children? If not, then I recommend you consider eliminating artificial food dyes and colorants!
For more reading about Food Dyes
  • Sugar
Processed sugar contains no vitamins, minerals, fiber or nutrition and can be psychologically addictive. It is in everything from flavored mineral water and salad dressing to soup. The average person eats about a handful every day. The danger is not only in the damage done to teeth, insulin, obesity and hyperactivity but it serves as a replacement for honest food.
  • Animal fats
Animal fats are saturated fats. That means they raise cholesterol and threaten to clog blood vessels. This leads to heart problems. Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and oils from vegetables don't do this. Even though margarine is vegetable oil it is hydrogenated causing it to be saturated. Obesity, heart disease and several cancers are avoidable by switching to lean meat or protein rich cereals like rice and wheat, pulses like beans and lentils, nuts and potatoes. Do not make the mistake of frying these.

Be Aware Of:
  • Embalming Yourself Before You Die
Sugar free may mean aspartame which does mean formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is used in embalming fluid. I don't know about you, but I'd rather be dead when I have that stuff put in me. The formaldehyde isn't in your body all that long. It turns in to something called formic acid. Better than formaldehyde? Ever had a fire ant bite? Those little buggers injected you with formic acid. Some physical symptoms look like MS, numbness, leg cramps, even fibromyalgia and more.
  • The Sweetener That May Be Responsible for Type 2 Diabetes
The ads want you to believe there is nothing wrong with high fructose corn syrup. The industry is losing so much money because people want to quit using it , high fructose corn syrup will be called "corn sugar." After all, that's what it is, right? It is sweet, that's for sure. It's also chemically made in a laboratory from corn. This sweetener seems to result in people becoming insulin intolerant which means the insulin doesn't work. Blood sugar goes up. Type 2 Diabetes is here.
B:Foods That Harm Your Skin

The cause and effect relationship of poor diet and acne has been discussed for decades now. For generations, grandmoms have been warning against chips, sugar, fried snack etc. because of their perceived relationship with Acne. But is this relationship really “perceived” or is it real?

The medical community has for long maintained that there is no link between Acne and diet. But latest research shows that there could be some truth to the old grandma’s tale, after all!
So what are the foods that harm your skin? Is there really a correlation between what you eat and how you look? Do fried foods harm more than your body size? Find out…

Salt: Any food rich in Salt is bad for your skin. The high Sodium content causes puffiness on the face, especially around the eyes. Water retention is experienced and causes wrinkles in the long run. So it is best to cut down on salt in diet.

Fried Snacks: Fried snacks are high on Trans fats, saturated fats and hydrogenated fats. All these fats clog the pores and cause breakouts frequently. To avoid a breakout, eat fresh non-fried food and keep your face clean.

Refined Carbs: Foodstuffs made of refined carbohydrates lead to quick spike in Blood Sugar. Examples of foods with a High Glycemic Index are: Pasta, Pizza, Sweets and breads. Spikes in Blood Sugar harm the skin in the long run, so such food should be avoided.

Alcohol: While the physical effects of alcohol on body, especially the liver are well known, its effect on the skin is not so obvious. But excessive intake of alcohol dilates the blood vessel in the skin and causes broken capillaries. It also worsens acne rosacea in which one experiences redness, pimples, pushheads and a constant flush on the face.

Sugar: Too much consumption of sugar causes wrinkles and ageing. It damages Collagen and Elastin, the protein fibers that keep skin firm and elastic. So now you have the extra motivation to cut down on sugar, besides the promise of a slimmer waistline!

Caffeine: Caffeine causes dehydration and inflammation, and thus caffeine can cause the infection that is present with acne to become much worse. Though the anti-oxidant properties of tea and coffee have been established, it should not be taken to mean that the more the better. Caffeine should not be consumed in excessive amounts if you wish to maintain good health and skin.

Now if you are thinking that I have listed almost EVERYTHING on this list, you are wrong. Foods that are really good for your skin are the most natural and unprocessed food items. These foods are not only great for your skin, but also for your overall health and figure. Fresh fruit &vegetables and whole grain foods have a Low Glycemic Index and do little to harm your skin or health. So try to grab as many as you can, and drink loads of refreshing clean water!
  • How do we overcome these assaults on our health?
It's difficult to get away from these destroyers. The body is capable of dealing with many problems but there is a limit. Constant barrages of sugar, salt and denatured empty food have an accumulated effect. Eventually something has got to fail. Very often the failure of one organ leads to the weakening of another.
Eating more grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and limiting animal fats will keep the body serving you well into old age. Changing to a healthier lifestyle need not be a huge step. It can be done gradually by simply changing your mind to eat with well-being in mind. Having a banana instead of a candy bar can be the start. Your life does depend on the decision you make.

Have a great day!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Ugly Truth About Sleep Deprivation!

The human body needs sufficient sleep in order to function properly. Most people require a minimum of eight hours of sleep to be completely rested.While some people can function on as little as four or five hours of sleep a night, their bodies and minds will eventually feel the effects of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can cause various mental and physical side effects. Over time, chronic sleep loss can have an adverse effect on a person's overall heath.

Some famous people throughout the world history were known to naturally survive on very little sleep and not being significantly affected by it like Napoleon or Margaret Thatcher. Unfortunately, most of us can dramatically suffer from side effects of sleep deprivation.

  • Here’s a listing of top 10 side effects of sleep deprivation:
1. Impaired alertness and productivity as a result of sleep deprivation can affect our daily activities making us more prone to accidents, fatal mistakes and poor quality of life.

2. Cases of blurred vision, slurred speech, muscle weakness, headaches and general irritability were reported in some people suffering from sleep deprivation.

3. Weight gain is one of the unfortunate side effects of sleep deprivation. People who are not getting enough sleep every night tend to develop unhealthy food cravings in search to find comfort to compensate for the tiredness.

4. Weakened immune system can result from your inability to get proper sleep and make you prone to get sick more often as your body’s defense mechanisms are down.Which can also make a person more susceptible to colds, flu, infection and other illnesses.

5. People who continually have trouble sleeping are at a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes and, in some cases, a stroke.

6. In severe cases of sleeplessness, sleep deprivation depression can emerge as a result of little sleep making it even more difficult to fall and stay asleep greatly complicating the problem.

7. Mental health problems can be triggered by sleep deprivation and need to be carefully evaluated by a psychiatrist.

8. Hallucinations are also common if a person is unable to sleep for a number of days at a time.

9. Some of the serious side effects of sleep deprivation in children can manifest themselves in hyperactivity and even attention deficit disorder.A child that is bursting with energy beyond the bedtime hour is quite likely overly tired.

10. The last and the most serious of all side effects of sleep deprivation is a sleep deprived coma when some bodily functions are shut down as a defense mechanism against sleep deprivation.

  • Mental Side Effects
Sleep deprivation can affect the ability to focus and concentrate. Mental confusion and memory loss may occur due to insufficient sleep.

  • Appearance
Insufficient sleep can leave you looking older and tired. Dark circles and bags form under the eyes giving you a haggard appearance.
  • Behavior
Sleep deprivation can impair the brain's ability to learn. People who do not get sufficient sleep may stutter, have difficulty making decisions and may not be able to multitask with any level of efficiency. Thought patterns can become repetitive and creativity declines.
  • Warning
There are many dangers of sleep deprivation but one of the most common is accidents. Sleep deprived people are prone to injuries and more likely to be involved in a car accident. Lack of sleep affects hand/eye coordination, motor skills and slows reaction time.
  • Prevention/Solution
Adequate sleep is necessary for the body and mind to regenerate. Going to sleep an hour earlier each night or taking a power nap during the day can help you to get the rest that you need. Children should have regular bed and nap times. Maintain your health and increase your productivity by getting the sleep you need.
Making your sleep a priority among your busy life activities and learning more about natural sleep remedies will help you relax and fall asleep faster.

If you suspect you are experiencing severe side effects of sleep deprivation it’s important for you to see your physician to help you find and take care of the root causes of sleep deprivation.

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back Pain After Exercise...Common Causes And Treatment Options

Is it normal to feel lower back pain after a hard workout?
If you are experiencing back pain after exercising or playing sports, you need to take it seriously.After working out a bit too hard at the gym, back pain might be inevitable. However, suffering from chronic back pain after exercising can make it difficult for you to maintain a regular workout routine and stay in shape. It also might make you more prone to back injury.
  • Causes:

Back pain can be caused by toning a muscle without stretching it afterward. Be sure to also stretch your back if you do back strengthening exercises, and alternate toning different muscle groups every other day to give those muscles a rest.
  1. Acute Injury: Although injuries to the upper, or thoracic, area of the back can occur from exercise, most sports-related back injuries are to the lower lumbar region. Acute, or short-term back pain, can be caused by lifting excessive weight, twisting or bending during a strenuous workout, or contact during a sports game. Symptoms can include a sharp pain, a dull ache, swelling, limited range of motion or difficulty standing upright.
  2. Strains or Pulls: When the muscles in the lower back are strained, inflammation and muscle spasms can occur. Luckily, you can heal this type of injury fairly quickly, with rest, anti-inflammatory medication, ice and heat. Lying down usually helps relieve severe pain in most situations.

  3. Overuse of muscles, ligaments, facet joints, and the sacroiliac joints.
  4. Pressure on nerve roots in the spinal canal. Nerve root compression can be caused by
-A herniated disc, often brought on by repeated vibration or motion (as during machine use or sport activity, or when lifting improperly), or by a sudden heavy strain or increased pressure to the lower back.
-Osteoarthritis (joint degeneration), which typically develops with age. When osteoarthritis affects the small facet joints in the spine, it can lead to back pain. Osteoarthritis in other joints, such as the hips, can cause you to limp or to change the way you walk. This can also lead to back pain.

-Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, vertebra defects that can allow a vertebra to slide over another when aggravated by certain activities.
  • Treatments
  1. Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can help knock out the swelling, which can provide immediate relief. For a severe injury, a doctor might prescribe steroids or narcotics, according to the American Academy of Orthaepedic Surgeons website. You can try applying ice to the injury immediately, then alternating with a heating pad to loosen tight muscles around the injury.
  2. Bed rest can help relieve the symptoms, but doctors do not advise resting more than two or three days. After that, it is best to begin recovering range of motion and re-gaining strength by doing simple back exercises and working back into an exercise routine.
  3. If you don't have a serious back problem, you can try several ways to manage this pain and prevent it from coming back.
Step 1
Lay on your back on the floor with feet flat and your knees bent. Tilt your pelvis up so your back arches. Then, pull in your stomach and tilt your pelvis down so your back is flat against the floor. Be gentle in this stretch so you don't hurt your back further. Pelvic tilts will stretch out your lower back and get rid of your pain faster, according to MayoClinic.com.

Step 2
Stretch out your arms to loosen up your shoulders and upper back. While standing, raise your arm straight up and lean in the opposite direction, stretching your side and back. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.

Step 3
Perform the cat stretch to relieve back pain, according to MayoClinic.com. Position yourself on your hands and knees and relax your stomach. Then, arch your back slowly, really feeling the stretch. This should not hurt. Return to the starting position and repeat as many times as you feel comfortable.

Step 4
Ease up on your routine. If your back feels very stiff and sore after every workout and stretching doesn't help, lay off of your routine for a few days until the pain goes away.

Step 5
See a doctor. If your pain doesn't go away or repeatedly comes back each time you work out, consult a physician or a doctor immediately before continuing any exerciseto make sure you don't have a more serious problem.
  • Massage Therapy

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, research shows that massage therapy provides several important health benefits, including:
•Massage improves blood circulation, which aids in recovery of muscle soreness from physical activity.
•Massage relaxes muscles for an improved range of motion. The muscle relaxation can also helps with insomnia.
•Massage leads to increased endorphin levels. The increase of endorphin levels is actually one of the greatest benefits of massage therapy. Endorphins are the chemicals the body produces that make you feel good, which is very effective in managing pain.

  • Core Exercises
Everyone has three groups of muscles that support their spine during exercise or movement: extensors in the back and glutes; flexors in the deep abdominal muscles and hips; and the obliques, side abdominal muscles that rotate and stabilize. According to Spine-Health.com, most of us do not strengthen these muscles enough during daily activity, we need to target these deep core muscles in order to protect our back and do our workout routine safely.
There are dozens of abdominal- and back-strengthening exercises, and a physical therapist or personal trainer can walk you through many of these exercises. Just a few to include in your weekly workout: back extensions, hip flexor stretching, abdominal planks, sit-ups or crunches, bicycles for obliques, and deadlifts for strengthening and stretching the hamstrings. Add these core exercises to your routine, and your lower back pain will be a thing of the past, allowing you to do your workout without risking injury.

Core strength training can be an important part of an exercise routine designed to treat back pain. Before you start a new exercise routine, talk to a physical therapist to be sure that your workout is designed to prevent further back pain or injury.

Working your abdominal muscles and supporting your core strength can reduce the severity or completely eliminate your back pain. You can help prevent back injuries by developing a strong core. Working your abdominal muscles may even help you avoid back surgery for your back pain.

Time Frame
Add core strength training to your regular exercise regimen to relieve back pain. Aim for spending 10 to 20 minutes per day working your abdominal muscles to strengthen your core and support your back. Perform your abdominal exercises in sets of three to five repetitions at least four days per week. It may take up to six weeks of working your core muscles for you to experience back pain relief.

''Yoga, Pilates and Tai chi can build your abdominal muscles and give you relief from back pain'' chiropractor Thomas Hyde writes for Spine-Health. You can build muscles in your core through strengthening exercises such as sit-ups and leg lifts as well.
  • Considerations
If you think your abdominal workout might be worsening your back pain, talk to a personal trainer. By focusing too much attention on working just some of your abdominal muscles, you may actually do more harm than good, fitness writer Gretchen Reynolds states in the New York Times. Work all of your abdominal muscles equally by performing core-strengthening exercises to support your lower back muscles while you work and keep your spine in alignment.

Have a great day everyone! :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fact:You Can Use Shopping To Improve Your Health!

Most women find shopping a great reliever of stress and anxiety. Others simply find shopping an amusing way to spend money or spend time. Shopping in malls (Not Online Shoppin) have some health benefits. Although shopping does not benefit wallets, it can in fact, be good for someone's health. Recent research suggests that shopping can be good for a person:
  • UK researches indicated that carrying heavy shopping bags and walking from one shop to another provides workout to an individual. On the average, a British woman can burn up to 385 calories by just waking between shops and carrying the items she bought. Additionally, an average woman in the UK walks over 150 miles every year just by searching and looking for bargains.
  • In order to measure the health benefits linked with shopping, department store Debenhams sampled 10 shoppers (five females and five males). Each shopper had a calorie-counting pedometer. Along with this, the analysis also included a survey conducted with 2,000 female shoppers. Results showed that on the average, a woman can wall three miles in less than three hours. The distance calculated came from the distance the women covered by browsing from one shop to another.
  • Generally, women spend more time and effort shopping than most men. In the study conducted, men only spent 50 minutes in shopping. They also covered a much lesser distance than the females. The results of the study show that men only covered 1.5 miles. The finding of the analysis showed that losing weight is easily achieved with everyday activities. These activities serve as their exercise. It's not the actual act of shopping, rather the activities associated with it ,getting out of the house, walking, cognitive skills , that make for the health factor of shopping.
  • Researchers in Taiwan have found that a lifestyle of shopping could mean longevity, at least for people over the age of 65. It's that momentary sense of euphoria that the authors of this new medical study believe actually gives some truth to the concept of  ''retail therapy'' .Published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the report found that "elderly people'' who shopped every day have 27 percent less risk of death than the least frequent shoppers. Men benefited more from everyday shopping than women.

  • The Psychological effects of shopping on Women
Women have a natural ability and instinctive need to shop. This is something that has seemed to baffle men throughout the years. Decades ago, shopping was due to necessity, but more recently, it has also been used as a method of fulfilling fundamental emotional needs. Shopping has a strong psychological revival effect for women, regardless if products are actually purchased or not. Shopping can lift a woman’s stress by gratifying her; satisfy her nesting urges, and being used as a stress reliever through social bonding, rather than using anti-depressants or other doctor prescribed medicines to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Shopping also allows time for a woman to have a change of atmosphere and to have a moment to socialize with peers, which can alleviate stress.

"Shoppers experience the same rush of endorphins when they stumble across a hot sale promotion as they do when they are sexually aroused."  Endorphin rushes are also caused by exercise, pain, listening to music, getting poked with needles, and eating chocolate. So really, all that the "shopping triggers endorphins" study proves is that finding a deal is thrilling to humans.

On another note, it was also discovered that most shoppers decide to go to the mall not because of the health benefits linked with it itself. More than 60 percent of the shoppers indicate that they were not aware of the health benefits that shopping has. Regardless of the case, here's another reason to love shopping. Now, shopping is not all about spending money but also taking care of oneself. Oh!Welcome another excuse to shop...But don't be a Shopoholic!!

Have a Beautiful Weekend!