Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Wrong Daily Habits!

We all have bad habits. This is just a basic part of the human condition. Yet, some of bad habits can be changed or altered. Here are some daily bad habits that you may have and some solutions that Dr. Oz recommended on one of his shows.

1-Not stretching Your Back when You Get Up on the Morning
Do you awake stiff in the back? Do you stretch properly? Do you know what the best way to stretch your back is? Do you think the best way is to stretch it as soon as you get out of bed? You would be mistaken.
The best way to stretch out your back is while you are still in your bed. Try this technique:
• Lay flat on your back
• Place your hands above your head
• Take a deep breath as you stretch your body
• Count to ten and then slowly let out the breath
• Now coil your body to your side (the side of the bed in which you would get out)
• Slowly raise into a sitting position, placing your hands on your knees
• Now get out of bed.

2-Are you using the wrong skin cream?
To answer whether you are using the wrong skin cream consider these questions:
• Are you using the same cream as you did ten or twenty years ago?
• Do you think you still have the same skin type as you did ten or twenty years ago?
Many people need to change their skin creams as they age, because their skin types will change with time. Hormones are one reason for this change.

When choosing a moisturizer consider these facts:
• You do not need a moisturizer that has antioxidants in them for daytime use because the sun will destroy them.
• Use the moisturizers with antioxidants for night time use.

3-Do you mix your calcium with prescription medication?
Calcium supplements need to be taken an hour or two after any prescription medications. They also need to be taken an hour or two after taken any multi-vitamin. The reason is that you will not get their full benefit if you take these medications at the same time.

More Wrong Habits!!
  • Sleeping habits
Staying awake during night: When a person stays awake during night his health may get affected as it is must for a human being to get good amount of sleep during night time. Getting sleep during day time is not important or necessary as compared to getting sleep during night.

Curling up: Did you know that sleeping all curled up is not good for your back? This could result in back pain. The best way to fall asleep is on your back, flat out, with maybe a pillow under your knees to flex your lower back.
Having pets sleep in your bed: Animal hair can trigger off asthma and other allergy attacks, so it is advisable to keep your furry friends out of your bed. Even children's stuffed toys can be carriers of dust mites. And that is something you need to watch out for.
Sleeping face down: Sleeping face down can wake you up in just a little while because of the distrupted nocturnal breathing that this can result in. You will not be able to breathe properly when sleeping face down and this will wake you up.
Dropping off in your make up: Apart from producing dark circles around your eyes, eye make up can irritate your eyes while you sleep. Besides having make up on for long periods of time can produce dermatitis. So before you hit the hay, even if you are bone tired, take a coupleof minutes to completely remove all traces of make up from your face and neck.
Sleeping in a cold room: With the air conditioner on full blast and you feeling absolutely cold, you could curl up in a bad posture while sleeping. And this is bad for your spine. So sleep in a comfortable temperature, and set the timer on in your air conditioner before it gets too cold for you.
Putting flowers in your bedroom: Fresh flowers and their sweet scents are great to have in your room. But not while you sleep and in your bed room. Flowers have pollen that could trigger off an allergy attack in allergy-prone folks. Sunflowers are the worst offenders. If you still insist on flowers, have some low fragrance types that can minimise allergy attacks.
Sleeping with a bedside lamp on: Deep sleep can come only when you are sleeping in total darkness. So it might be a good idea to stop being afraid of the boogie man lurking in the shadows and sleep well. But if you are used to sleeping with the light on, gradually dim it, or your sleep can get completely disrupted!
  • Eating habits:
Salt:If the salt content in your daily diet is high, rest assured that it will lead to complications of high blood pressure and water retention.
Are you drinking enough water? I know this is a repeated advice,especially the bit about a minimum of eight glasses a day...but it does go a long way in getting rid of toxins even while it aids in digestion.

Yes, we all have bad habits. The good news is that with a little bit of effort, we can change these habits. All of us want to live a full life, look young, healthy and fresh and have the energy to attend to our needs till our last breath.Also,try to get rid of all negative habits like smoking, coffee addiction or alcohol...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Every Day You Spend Without a Smile, Is a Lost Day!

''A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.''

Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one fun way to live longer.

Top 10 Reasons to Smile
1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive
2. Smiling Changes Our Mood: Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
3. Smiling Is Contagious: When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
4. Smiling Relieves Stress: Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System: Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure:When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin: Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger: The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the'll look younger and feel better.
9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful: Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Natural Ways to Lighten Your Dark Hair!

It seems like being blonde is an obsession today. The hair color has been popularized by Hollywood legends like Marilyn Monroe among others. In the past people went through some extraordinary measures to turn their hair blonde. Even today, many of the hair bleaches and dyes that are sold can be harsh and damage your hair. It would be nice if there was a more natural approach to achieving golden tresses. Fortunately there is!

Lemon juice and Sitting in the Sun:
  • Take a spray bottle and fill it with water. Add some lemon juice. Start with about an ounce or so. You can always add more for a second treatment.
  • Spray your hair where you want it to be lightened. You can do your whole head or spray selected strands for highlights. Be careful not to get the spray in your eyes or on your clothes.
  • Relax in the sun until your hair is dry, usually about a half hour. In colder weather a hair dryer can be used, usually about 10 or 15 minutes.
  • If you’re looking for blonde highlights, but don’t want to bother with complicated mixtures and smelling like a lemon, consider the most natural way to lighter hair: sitting out in the sun. Of course, protect your skin with sunscreen and place a towel over exposed parts of the body. Simply lie face down and spread out your hair to greet the sun.
Lemon Juice and Chamomile Tea: To enjoy a mild bleaching effect, mix chamomile tea with lemon juice and use as a rinse.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil: Add nutrients and shine to your lightened hair by adding olive oil to lemon juice, which helps to fight hair damage.

Honey: Honey contains natural Hydrogen peroxide. Iron in honey oxidizes the oxygen free radicals released by the hydrogen peroxide.

Method for lightening hair color with Honey:
Mix 3/4 cup honey with 1/12 cups regular hair conditioner
Apply to damped hair. Wrap hair in saran wrap or a plastic shower cap.
Let sit for up to 8 hours, then rinse.

  • Start out with a smaller amount of lemon juice or chamomile If it doesn't lighten your hair enough add more and do a second treatment.
  • Don't get into your eyes or use if you are allergic to lemons.
  • This only works on blonde and light brown hair.
  • On red hair, if you tried these remedies the result with be orange instead of blonde.So Don't use them!
Using these home remedies to lighten hair naturally before you resort to the bottle of chemicals. Your body and your hair will thank you.

Henna Is Great for Your Hair...
In a way, any mention of henna is inappropriate in this post, because it will not lighten hair. Yet good-quality henna will safely allow dramatic color changes. A blonde can quickly become an enticing brunette or red head and brunettes can either become and a total redhead or add gorgeous red highlights to her hair. However, there is no way to bleach hair with henna other words, a brunette will not become a blonde with henna.The really great news about henna is that it is wonderful for your hair, as long as as you are using good-quality henna. In fact, colorless henna is recommended for the health of your hair and the resulting ‘henna hair’ is stronger and more beautiful than it was before. How cool!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March activity..Yoga!!

The physical benefits of yoga  are very different of any types of exercises or workouts. Yoga is helpful in improving flexibility through the movements of the various asanas specific to muscles and joints. Due to daily practice and performance, an individual will be able to gain flexibility in every part of the body and renewed vigor. Some yoga poses require the body to make slow movements through poses which helps to increase endurance and strength of the individual. In addition to strength and flexibility, the muscles are further toned and results are evident in long lean and shapely muscles. Most importantly, yoga is extremely useful and instrumental in warding off various kinds of disorders at a number of aches and pains. Most people who suffer from back pain, pain in the shoulders, crick in the neck, headaches and overall body pain find much relief in the various movements of yoga. Another vital constituent in the practice of yoga is the emphasis of breathing aka Pranayama. Most people have shallow breath patterns, which are the primary cause of most disorders. Pranayama aims to correct, modulate and heighten the practice of breathing in order to achieve maximum results. Through the practice of Pranayama one learns to focus the attention on the breathing pattern and to use the lungs in a more beneficial manner that will prove advantageous for the entire body.

The most appropriate time for practicing Yoga is in the morning, before breakfast. This is because it is the time, when our mind is calm, composed and fresh and the body movements can be performed, with considerable ease and vigor.

  • To get started, you need to have the urge and confidence in yourself.
  • To practice Yoga, the place chose must be calm, quiet, ventilated, dust free, moisture free and also distraction free.
  • Before you start practicing Yoga, it is very important for you to clear your bowels and bladder as well as clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus. You must also drink a glass of warm water.
  • Yoga clothing should be loose and as comfortable as possible. Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best.
  • Like all other work outs, you must begin with easy poses, thereafter you can advance to the tough ones. Be methodical and systematic.
  • Yoga must energize and not cause weariness and depression.
  • You must take breaks in between, if a particular step or exercise proves tiring.
  • For a person performing Yoga, the diet should be a balanced and you should eat after an interval of 4 hours.
  • Over eating and fasting should be avoided.
  • While performing Yoga, your breathing should be long and deep. You must remember to keep your mouth close and inhale and exhale, only through the nose.
  • You should always keep a Yoga mat, made of some comfortable materials. For lying postures use a woolen carpet and spread a clean sheet over it.
  • Remember, while doing yoga, you should not get a feeling of pain or discomfort. If you do, you are not doing it in the right manner or you need to adjust your pose to suit you better.

If you are a beginner, do not just impinge on doing the tough tasks. Remember, you need to always begin with the easy

The First Day of 2011 Spring!

Happy Spring Everyone!

Spring is known as one of the most beautiful and pleasant seasons of the year. At the start of the spring season when the trees and plants are blooming after a harsh winter, you can plan on how you could spend your days during spring season.

How to Enjoy Spring Time

  • Take a trip to the zoo. Zoos are a great place to visit during the spring, when animals give birth to adorable new offspring. Walking around the zoo is also a good way to get moderate exercise.
  • If your finances are under control you can also take a short spring vacation for a change. It will give you the energy to recharge your body for the upcoming year.
  • Renew your New Year’s resolutions. Do you remember them? Spring is a time of renewal and you’re probably more likely to meet some of those resolutions now you’re able to actually get out the door to exercise and get about more than during winter! Give them another try – you could even rename them “spring resolutions” if you’d like. 
  • Bring flowers into the house.Spring flowers will bring joy into the house with their bright colors and lovely fragrances. Aim to have new, fresh flowers in the house every week during spring.
  • Spring clean. This tradition of clearing away will give your house a fresh beginning for the warmer months ahead and make the house and surrounds more inviting and enjoyable for you and your family and friends. Spring is a great time to make space, clearing out things, and even making space should you find unwanted things around.You even can clean out your computer files and emails. No time like springtime to get rid of your digital mess too! The less cluttered your digital life, the more time you have to enjoy the days of spring.
  • Consider detoxing your body. Some people enjoy going on fasting as part of a detox but you should really run going on a fast by your doctor first, just to be sure it's safe for you.
  • Improve your sleeping schedule. If you've been getting into poor sleeping habits over winter, spring is a good time to fix your sleep schedule to restore your energy.

  • Warning:Don’t sit around too long wondering what to do with spring; before you know it, it’ll be summer and the long, lazy days aren’t as inspiring for transforming yourself and your surrounds as the spring weather is! 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tips for Better Life!

There are a number of tips towards a better life. These include tips for better: health, fitness, exercise, diet, mood, stress, relationships and time management. These easy tips to follow daily can help you improve your life and make you happier:
  • Take baby steps: Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day!
  • Take time to smell the roses:When was the last time you took a vacation, or spent hours leisurely watching T.V.?
  •  Expand your social network and Surround yourself with positive people: I find that one of the keys to a gratifying life is balance. Far too often singles find themselves frayed from maintaining many roles with few support systems. Make it a point to get out and have some fun and meet new people. Better yet, make it a habit.
  •  Have a Hug: They’re not just for kids. Human touch is important for connection and emotional warmth.
  • Live in the present: Stop condemning yourself  for mistakes of the past. There’s no sense to it or growth from it. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
Try bananas, strawberries and apples. Throw a brave quantity in your cerials or in your yoghurt for a healthy dessert. You may even want to try the banana diet for breakfast.
Benefits of eating fruits and vegetables: The consumption of variety of fruits and vegetables is good for your heart. This happens because the different fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins, metal elements, plant components (included antioxydant) and plant fibres - all good!

  • Do not be afraid to say “No” in certain obligations
Specifically if you feel that your day overwhelms you. And most important, realise when you need help ask for it.
Benefits of saying "NO" to obligations: Carried out by the stress of the day can have an impact in your cardiovascular health, specifically if you think some of the ways we use in order to 'cope' with daily stress such as smoking, the consumption of unhygienic foods and the lack of exercise. You deserve the right to say NO if it is for the benefit of you and of your heart - Learn how to control stress and enjoy your life more.

  • Increase your natural activity
Find small occasions and breaks in the day in order to increase your natural activity. For example Skip the elevator and Begin walking for only 1 floor at the beginning and afterwards increase the floors.Walking up the stairs is a marvellous aerobic exercise. This exercise makes your heart function a little more and it minimises the possibility of articulations.
Or do not use the remote control, but instead try to walk to the tv each time you want to change the channel.
Benefits of natural activity: In general, the more active your are in your life the better, it helps in the maintenance of your cardiovascular health. The exercise can help in the control of arterial pressure, blood sugar levels and cholesterol in the blood, while it is easier to control and maintain your normal and physiologic weight. Even the least activity, as you raise itself each time where you want to change the channel it can help your heart and give impulse in the circulation of blood.
  • Take small breaks for stretching
Find a excuse in order to come out from the office, use the time to relax and strain your legs. Possibly you can include this exercise in the hour of lunch break. You can walk to the bank, you can go on foot to receive the clothes from the dry cleaner's or walk in the open air in order to buy your newspaper or your favourite magazine.
Benefits of stretching: When you find some time and stretch your body either by walking or otherwise then this exercise is very good for your health and also very good for your heart. It can make your heart muscles stronger.
  •  Eat Low Fat products
It is healthier to have vegetable margarine in your bread or in your healthy snack than not to eat vegetable margarine at all. Not all fat products are harmful,some of them are in deed good for your health. Select a margarine which includes polyunsaturated fat (low-hydrogenated fat) instead of butter.You can also use Olive Oil!
Benefits of eating low fat food: Fat constitutes a source of energy which provides essential structural elements for the cells of your body. Certain types of fat can maintain your heart healthy. Thus, what is important is not only the quantity but also the type of fat that you consume.
  •  Eat Fish twice a week
Try to eat two portions of fatty fish each week (fatty fish include mackerel, salmon, sardines,tuna,trout and perch) and select a spread such as Becel which contains vegetable oils.
Benefits of eating fish: Studies have shown that consumption of Omega 3 fatty helps maintain cardiovascular health. And indeed there are two different types of omega 3. One is an essential fatty which is in vegetable oils,and the other is in fatty fish.
  • Relax and Switch off your mobile phone 30 minutes per day!
We know that there may be a challenge for some of people, but try it every day. You can do this when you go back home after work. You'll see that it worth doing it!
Benefit of switching off your mobile phone: You know already that stress can increase the risk for health problems such as high blood pressure,by disabling your phone (do not worry, it's only for 30 minutes) you can relax without interruptions. I do not deserve it? Your heart, however, deserves ..will be better long term.
Make sure that you find some time during this to relax and enjoy yourselft. It could be a walk round the park or simply relaxing and reading a book or magazine.

It's not only the well balanced diet and the exercise that contributes in the better life,the maintenance of stress under control is also important. Therefore, when you feel stressed, remember that your heart feels the same.
  • Manage your shopping cart
Make a list in advance and avoid to go shopping when hungry and Focus on fiber.

Benefits of managing your shopping cart: Often we can overestimate how hungry we are. This sometimes leads us to buy foods we dont really need and that are high in fat or sugar (such as chisps and chocolate).
Prepare a shopping list for you and plan healthy choices and stick to them. So this favour for your wallet and your diet and make your shopping list in advance.When shopping this week put a lot of oats, legumes (beans, lentils and chickpeas), total cereal milling without added sugar, total milling and bread fruit and vegetables.

Fiber has many advantages for health... as many people know is very good for combating constipation.But this is just one advantage to health by integrating solvents (oats, pulses, fruits and vegetables) and insoluble, total milling foods in your diet. There are many more advantages - the fiber can help reduce blood cholesterol levels and control blood glucose levels.
Make sure that you drink enough water. in order for the fiber to be used by your body they should be hydrated.
  • Exercise or walk with Friends
Find a friend to exercise together. A friend can lead you to achieve your goals. Also, to go to the gym is a social activity!
A good advice for you to begin: On the road to work, get off the bus earlier or leave your car little more far and walk a little more OR still better, you use a pedometer and measure the steps that you make daily.

Benefit of exercising with friends: This will help you have a motive. Let's face it - if he/she goes to the gym and you do not go, likely you will feel a little guilty. While when you go along, there will be a little healthy competition.It is also a good idea to set common goals - for example «If we go to gym three times this week, we can relax the weekend».
Remember to begin little by little
  • Reward your self for your healthy habits and Celebrate!
After you make all these changes, you can relax with certain simple enjoyments. Make a hot bubble-bath, or buy a new CD to listen or spoil yourself with a massage.
Benefit of rewarding your self: You have adopted certain healthy habits, which your heart will appreciate. Therefore, you are eligible for a remuneration for your hard work. And hope that they were not as bad as you believed.Making changes in our lives is not easy. We should try and do some changes if this can reduce the age of your heart.So go out with your friends or simply do a little celebration for yourself. Go shopping, buy yourself a gift or make a small party at home.
  • Explore your challenges
If you like challenges, it is perhaps time that you make your exercise most interesting. Take dance lessons, try fencing or go hiking.
Benefit of new challenges: Simply because the variety is the salt in our life!The variety in exercise prevents boredom - there is a limit to how many times can you like the abdominal exercises. To do something different also helps avoid or delaying coming to a quagmire in the performance and results from the exercise.

  •  Cooking in the grill!
Try cooking using the grill! Try chicken, turkey, fish or vegetables. And for something slightly exotic - improvise and let your imagination free.
Benefits of cooking in the grill: Cooking on the grill is a very healthy way of cooking and is also very easy! When food is cooked, it retains most nutrients and allows any fat to leave, leaving a healthy meal without lossing its taste.If you want to be even healthier, select non fat sliced meat and remove any visible fat - that can help reduce saturated fat.
And for dessert, why not try bananas? Bake a ripe banana and then served it with a few balls frozen low-fat yogurt.
  •  Laugh
Find something that makes you laugh and deal more with this! Watch a comedy theatre, rent a comedy film or meet with friends.
Benefits of laughing: Somebody said that the laughter is the better medicine. You feel good with your self - relaxing with friends, or seeing funny films,it can sure help you relax, and thus decreasing your levels of stress.
  • Snacks
Think smart when it comes to snacks. Good food for a snack are nuts and seeds and almonds (unsalted). On the other hand, fresh or dried fruits are a good substitute for biscuits or cakes.
Benefits of not eating unhealthy snacks:Most of us are very good when they need to eat healthy meals. But often when its the time for a snack it is very difficult to resist to foods that we know they are not good for us..
  • Combine creativity and physical activity
Explore your artistic side while walking. Take a camera with you and take a photo of everything there is around you. The combination of your creative side with little physical activity may encourage you to walk a mile more for a good reception!
  • Reduce the consumption of caffeine
Want a cup of coffee? We not try a more healthy version? Perhaps try green tea, which is delicious, or you might prefer a tea with fruit, or with lemon and honey.
We all want something help us keep up during the day and most of the times this is coffee, which contains caffeine. The Coffee is good if you consume a cup or two per day.However, we must be careful how we consume caffeine. The high intake of caffeine may contribute to increased blood pressure.
The herbal infusions (such as chamomile) help in relaxing, both for you and for your heart, while green tea contains antioxidants that are also good for your heart.
  • Yoga
If you have not ever tried yoga, is perhaps the best time to start. There are many different types of yoga to choose, depending on how fit and flexible you are.
Benefits of Yoga: Yoga combines meditation and physical integration, constituting physical activity you can do regularly in the comfort of your home. In particular, yoga is a good way to get rid of stress, and focused breathing. And we all know that learning to relax and to control the level of stress not only helps us to enjoy life more, but it is better for our hearts long term.
  • Herbs and not salt
Try herbs. Rather than put salt, why not use fresh herbs for extra flavour?
Too much salt in your diet is not good,linked to high blood pressure. Choosing foods low in salt.
Foods you should be carefull about are: bread, canned soups, sausages, corn and sausage bif.So start to experiment with herbs in cooking. Here are some helpful alternatives:
cinnamon, black pepper, curcumin or garlic powder for strong taste
  • Sleep at least 7  hours/day
  • Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Try to make at least three people smile each day.
  •  Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
  • Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control.
  • Reduce the consumption of alcohol
  • Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
  • You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
  • Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
  •  Forgive everyone for everything.
  • What other people think of you is none of your business.
  • GOD heals everything.
  • However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  • Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
  •  Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  • The best is yet to come.
  •  Call your family often.
  •  Each day give something good to others.
  • When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today, I just feel Sad,So I Decided to...Beat My Sadness!

Sadness is not a beautiful feeling. When you are sad, you isolate yourself, you keep thinking on what is making you sad once and again; and no matter how hard you try to silent the topic in your brain, it doesn't work, like if it didn't want to go out.

How to beat sadness?
It is bad to feel sad for a long time. How to beat it? Well, one of the best ways to beat sadness is by trying to understand how it works. Ready?
Actually, sadness works just like anger: It is very easy, so let me explain it to you: You get angry when you find out that someone is not acting in the way you would have done in a given situation. You get sad when you find out that someone did not do something in the way you expected, too. Or even you just feel disappointment in yourself,It is just another way to react toward something.
That said, the first tip to beat your sadness is to stop being so self-centred and to accept that not everybody will act the way you would expect him to do. They make their own decisions, even if you don't like them.

This should help you accept (second tip) that you are feeling sad because you choose to feel that way. With that, you are ready to understand you can change the way you feel again.

Analyse for a minute what is making you feel sad now. Think if you can change it or discuss it; think on the ways in which you can deal with the issue. Now you are turning your sadness into something positive, you see? You are planning a way to deal with the problem instead of just isolating yourself by feeling sad! That's decidedly good news. Continue that way.
You can also..
  • Try some light therapy
This is always the top treatment option suggested by experts. They think that SAD is caused by a lack of light that cuts serotonin in the brain - this is the chemical in the body that makes you feel happy.
You can buy a small lightbox and spend 30 minutes a day in front of it if you suffer regularly. They can be expensive, but people who've tried them swear by their benefit.

  • Eat a healthy diet
Experts suggest ditching the sugary snacks because they make your blood sugar levels go up and down which seems to have an effect on SAD.
Try to up the amount of oily fish, like mackerel, you eat - they are high in omega 3 oils and studies have shown that it can help improve symptoms of SAD.
Even better, mackerel and sardines are both a cheap option when it comes to fish, so it won't cost the earth.

  • Talk to someone
 'Let others know how you feel,'  and talk to them about your feelings and symptoms. A word of support or advice from a friend or loved one, a shoulder to lean on or a joke shared can help to lighten your symptoms.

  • Sleeping patterns
It’s important to try and get your body into a consistent sleeping pattern throughout the week including the weekends. Although it’s nice to have a lie in, repeatedly hitting the “snooze” button on Saturday morning may leave you feeling lethargic and more tired when the next working week arrives.

  • Exercise
Regular exercise produces endorphins, we all know this. Many of us will start to sway away from our regular exercise routines as the temperature begins to drop, but try to maintain them and your body will thank you for it. Many studies have shown how physical workouts can help improve sleep and muscle tension. If it helps, try moving your workout so that it takes place during the few daylight hours that we have. It’ll help lift your mood!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Digestive Biscuits..I Love You!

How a person starts his/her day can make a big difference which making breakfast and between-meal snacks very important.
A balanced breakfast will include carbohydrates and protein. The carbs will produce energy until lunchtime while the protein works to stave off hunger while the energy is still there to burn. That's why I choose Digestives

What is Digestive Biscuit?
A digestive biscuit is a type of cookie or biscuit made with coarse wheat flour, ground wholemeal, a light amount of sugar, and a rising agent such as baking soda, along with oil, salt, and sometimes milk as well. The result is a slightly savory cookie with a crumbly texture and a simple flavor which some people find quite appealing. Digestives are closely linked with British culture, and they continue to be consumed in vast amounts in the United Kingdom well over 100 years after they were first developed. This semi sweet biscuit  is also very popular in Greece, Australia and Ireland.
These Digestives are also available with chocolate covered biscuits. These are eaten with coffee or tea. These are sometimes dunked into tea and eaten because biscuits disintegrate when they are wet.

Calories In Digestive Biscuit:
 To find out how many calories in Digestive Biscuit, see nutritional information below. Counting calories helps to monitor your daily calorie-intake and improve your eating habits.
Food Quantity: 1 cookie
Calories: 73 from Fat 28

% Daily Value
Total Fat  3.1g5%
Total Carbohydrates  10.1g3%
Dietary Fiber  0.3g1%
Protein  1.1g

Do digestive cookies aid digestion?
Digestive cookies simply have more fiber and whole grain flour than regular ones. Fiber is known to aid digestion by prolonging the time for food processing in the body. The cookies will definitely be better for your digestion than regular ones, but there are far better sources of fiber than digestion cookies.