Sunday, February 20, 2011

How To Whiten Your Teeth For Free

NOTE: As with anything else, you should always contact your physician or dentist before trying any home remedy.

How can I get whiter teeth for free?
 Don't spend your hard-earned money on expensive teeth whitening kits! Get the very same results absolutely free. Don't pay a high office call to go to the dentist and get your teeth professionally whitened! Don't buy that expensive mouthwash for smokers! You have everything that you need to brighten and whiten your teeth right in your own home. Remember that this is free and it works.

Do I have these items in my house?
First :go to the kitchen. Open the cupboard where you keep your baking supplies. Do you have baking soda? You probably do. Spoon about two teaspoons of baking soda into a little bowl or cup.

Second : travel over to the nearest bathroom. Open the medicine chest. Do you have hydrogen peroxide? You probably have this common household item, too.

How do I make this paste?
Drop two or three teaspoons (this may not be exact) of the hydrogen peroxide into the baking soda, making a paste. This sometimes takes a little trial and error. Be sure it is the same consistency as toothpaste. If you wish, you can add a bit of mint flavoring or even a small dollop of toothpaste.

How do I use this free whitener?
Brush your teeth with your mixture, being sure to leave it on your teeth for at least two minutes. Do NOT swallow this paste!

What should I do after using this paste?
After you finish brushing , brush again with regular toothpaste to rid your mouth of the taste as well as the peroxide solution. You will be amazed at just how white and bright your teeth will be! Many smokers and heavy coffee drinkers use this little trick. This may be a home remedy that your grandmother even used.

I have a dental condition..Should I try this whitener?
Beware that if you have open sores, cavities, gingivitis, or other gum diseases this may make your gums appear white for a short time. This may not be the whitener for your teeth if they are very sensitive. As with anything, you should consult your doctor or dentist before trying this or any other medical treatment.

How often can I use this paste?
  1. This treatment can be done weekly, monthly, or whenever you want extra bright teeth!
  2. You shouldn't brush with this mixture more than once per week.
    Hopefully, this article put a bright smile on your face!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Stop poisoning yourself...No More Aspartame (sweetener)

  • What is Aspartame?
An artificial sweetener containing phenylalanine. Found in most diet colas, fat-free sweetened yoghurts, sugar-free products and just about everything 'sweet' these days.

  • Aspartame is a silent killer:
Aspartame is made up of 3 components, phenylaline, aspartic acid and methanol(wood alcohol). Phenylalanine excites neurons in the brain to the point of cellular death. And an ongoing intake of aspartame can lead to severe discomfort, illness and in some cases, death.
This product should be banned worldwide.  Read all your lables. It's in alot of diet foods, diet drinks, and even medicines. Aspartame is contains METHANOL, a serious metabolic poison.
Aspartame can precipate diabetes, stimulates and aggravetes diabetic retinopathy and neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve, causes diabetics to go into convulsions and even interacts with insulin.

  • Aspartame is a highly addictive :
It's brain washing agent and the victims cannot even conceive of quitting the toxin. We must get it off the market. Aspartame damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death. Also, wih Methanol toxicity, the victims usually drink 3 to 4 12 oz cans of diet soda per day, some even more!!

  • Aspartame also makes you crave carbohydrates:
ASPARTAME changes the brain's chemistry. This drug changes the dopamine level in the brain. Imagine what this drug does to patients suffering from Parkinson's Disease?! This drug also causes Birth Defects. There is absolutely no reason to take this product. It is NOT A DIET PRODUCT!!!
The Congressional record said, "It makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you FAT". Dr. Roberts stated that when he got patients off ASPARTAME, their average weight loss was 19 pounds per person. The formaldehyde stores in the fat cells, particularly in the hips and thighs.
If anything says Sugar Free on the label--do not even think about eating it!
There are 92 documented symptons of Aspartame, from coma to death. The majority of them are neurological, because Aspartame destroys the nervous systems. There is absolutely no reason to take this product.

  • Aspartame is especially deadly for diabetics:
 It  keeps the blood sugar level out of control, causing many patients to go into a coma. . Its scary isnt it?

  • Here is a list of 92 adverse reactions and side effects have been attributed to aspartame including:
Eyes: blindness in one or both, decreased vision and or other eye problems such as blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision..pain in one or both eyes, decreased tears, trouble with contact lenses, and bulging eyes.

Ears: tinnitus(ringing or buzzing sound),severe intolerance of noise, marked hearing impairment

Neurologic: epileptic seizures, headaches, migraines, dizziness, unsteadiness, confusion, memory loss, drowiness, sleepiness, numbness of the limbs, severe slurring of the speech, severe hyperactivity and restless legs, atypical face pain and severe tremors.
How many of you are suffering from memory loss? Aspartame could be the blame. The ingredients of Aspartame stimulates the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees.
Psychological: severe depression, irritability, aggression, anxiety, personality changes, insomina, phobias

Chest: shortness of breath, recent high blood pressure
SKIN and Allergies: itching without a rash, lip and mouth reactions, hives, and aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma
Endocrine and metabolic: loss of control of diabetes, menstrual changes, marked thinning of the hair or loss of hair, marked weight loss or gradual weight gain, low blood sugar, and severe PMS.

Other: frequency of voiding and burning during urination, excessive thrist, fluid retention, leg swelling and bloating, increased infections.

  • People who assume aspartame is safe are wrong:
People who think aspartame is only miminal amount are wrong. it is not safe.Even cigarettes and drugs have warnings on them to alert the public of possible side effects and dangers. Only Aspartame hasn't. How can people make a wise choiccce if they aren't even warned of the dangers?

  • What is the substitute?!
There is another sweetner and sugar substitute which is not harmful called Stevia. it is all natural. It also improves insulin sensitivity and may even promote additional insulin production, helping to reverse diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
I think Stevia is the best choice for a diabetic-safe, low carb sweetner. Stevia, a sweet herb, not an additive, which helps in the metabolism of sugar, and would be ideal for diabetics.
You can also use some honey !!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February Is Going To Be My Month

In February 2011, I have decided to:
  • Lighten my hair
Don't shy away from trying something new. Take the plunge. You may be glad you did.
women have had the same hair color for years and years, without experimenting or trying something new for the simple reason that they are happy with their present look. If they try a new style, they are afraid that they will mess up something good. Realize that in the bargain you just may be missing out on a great style that could really look a whole lot better! And, you will never know! one day, when you are pushing 70 and can do nothing much with your hair, you will look back and wish you had been a little more adventurous.

  • Learn at least 4 new things :)
One of my 2011 resolutions, Try to learn a few new things..
''Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study.  Be a student as long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life.'' 
We often get so entrenched in our daily routines that we forget to learn on a daily basis. Family, work,or even social networking are all great ways to grow and enjoy life. They provide new experience and insight while offering endless opportunites for daily learning.
But learning is best when it’s gained through concerted effort:
 1- I started tweeting on
 2- I have learned to burn music to a CD
 3- The difference between vegetarian and vegan
4- I knew the meaning of Trichotillomania: which is classified as the compulsive urge to pull out one's own hair leading to noticeable hair loss, distress, and social or functional impairment. It is often chronic and difficult to treat.
  • Jumping Rope
When was the last time I jumped rope? Maybe when I was eight years old, it's time to update my notion of jumping rope. I think it's so much fun :))

"It's certainly good for the heart..It strengthens the upper and lower body and burns a lot of calories in a short time''

  • Become vegan for a week
Veganism is the practice of eliminating the use by human beings of any animal products.  An animal product is any material derived from animals, including meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products, honey, fur, leather, wool, and silk.